Chaper five: Clubs away Hey!

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This chapter is starting back where the last chapter ended

chapter 5

* Alex's P.o.v*

" Alex." I said flatly to her 'boyfriend' as I put my hand to shake.

He took my hand and looked me in the eyes as if he was challenging me.

" Nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you." He stated as he let go of my hand.

" Really?" I asked as I lifted one eyebrow up and stared at Hannah. She's been talking about me.

" Yeah your quite the talk around school all the girls talk about you even my sister Beth." He said. Oh so I guess it wasn't Hannah.

He continues. " So what are you doing with MY girlfriend?" He emphasized the my.

" She was teaching me how to surf but I can see she's busy now." I said turning to leave.

" No wait Alex Richard was just leaving." She said while pushing Richard towards the door.

" Okay , okay I can tell when I'm being kicked out I'll see you tomorrow at 8." Richard said as he bent down and kissed her cheek before turning and looking at me. " Alex." He said to me before leaving.

I turned and looked at Hannah. " What's tomorrow at 8?" I asked her.

" Clubs away." She said before turning around and walking towards the backroom she stopped and turned around when she seen me not coming.

" Well aren't you coming? You know you cant be a good stalker if you don't follow my every move." She said with a smirk.

And just like that we were back to normal.

The lesson went fine and I learned that when Hannah is a instructor she is really professional and cares about what you are learning. Can't wait for the next one.

* Hannah's P.O.V*

" Hey Nancy see you tonight." Ben the 5th hottest guy in school said to Nancy as he walked by our table.

" Oh yes you will see me tonight." She said as she winked at ben and he walked away.

Right now where at lunch at of course the G.G's table with is "The coolest table." besides the jock table. Hey but I'm not the one to say it everyone else is.

" Oh girl so Ben's your new object of destruction this week." Skyler asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

" Hey can you blame me he's been trying to hook up  with me since 8th grade and now that he's 5th hottest  because Kyle Lingston moved I'm willing to give our love a chance." Nancy said.

" Oh you nasty." Merith said while eating a few of sandys chips.

" And she's the nasty one?" Sandra asked while slapping Merith's hand away from her chips. " Wait was tonight again?" Sandra asked.

" Clubs away please tell me you didn't forget." I begged.

" Oh man I totally forgot I'm spose to babysit Mrs.Cruz's twins tonight." Sandy said in a panic.

" Can't you cancel." Skyler asked.

" Yeah! The G.G's have never missed one club away in all of the 3 years in which  we have been together."  Nancy said.

" I'll figure something out." Sandy said before taking out her phone and texting someone.

* Alex's P.O.V.*

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