Chapter 2

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Nash's p.o.v

I felt bad. I really did. I didnt mean to trigger so many bad emotions from her. I Thought I could save a child from the orphanage. I'm  starting to rethink this whole "adoption thing". Maybe I should've asked the guys. Why am I so stupid?

When I pulled in the driveway, and helped bring in her bag, I ran inside and talked to the guys, immedietly rambling.

"Guys, I adopted a girl and I know I should've asked but I didn't and im so sorry. I was thinking of taking her back to the orphanage cause she doesn't listen and she seems like a troublemaker and we don't need that kind of drama. I know that's kinda harsh but she yelled at me the whole way here". I rambled, everything I just said true.

"Then take me the fuck home". I heard. I froze and slowly turned my head around. "If im such an ungrateful bitch, take me back to the orphanage, you think this is the first time I've been brought back? Think again. No one ever wants me, your not an exception. Maybe if you asked me why I do what i do, and tried to see maybe there's I reason I do it, you might've understood. But you didn't. I already brought my bag upstairs. I'll go get it and leave".

She whispered , wiping her tears and going back upstairs. All the sudden everyone was yelling.

" Nash what the hell is wrong with you"! Cameron yelled.
" Im sorry! Okay I'm so sorry"! I cried running upstairs after Hannah. I twisted the doorknob and found it locked.

"Babe  open the door".I shouted. I waited for an answer but there was nothing. Calling her name a few more times and still receiving silence. That's it.

I kicked down the door and looked down gasping. There She was in a pool of blood. Her head was twisted at an odd angle. I screamed. "HANNAH"!!!?.

I took out my phone and immediately dialed 911. Waiting for it to ring. "Hello 911 operater, what's your emergency"? I sobbed into the phone."I-i walked into t-the bathr-room and i found my d-daughter with blood around her head." I stuttered. "Okay sir calm down and slow your words so I can hear you clearly, what's your address sir"? I quickly told her my address and hung up cradling her in my arms.

Hannah's P.O.V.
I stormed up into the bathroom crying. I needed a few seconds to compose myself before I went back down. Surely they'd understand that right? I shut the door behind me and locked it. Looking into the mirror I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

You'll be okay Hannah. You always are.

I whimpered and tried not to cry again as I started picking up my bag and walking to the door as I slipped on some water.

I fell and immediately after white hot pain rushed into my head. After that? I passed out.

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