2. Escape

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A/N: Hey guys, I know this hasn't been updated in a long time and I blame procrastination. So to compensate for the lateness I tried to make this chapter longer than the first one. so here is a bout 26 pages of shit. hope you enjoy it. don't forget to like and share with your friends.


At first the room was dead silent, no one spoke. It's as if they were all analyzing the situation. Then, as quick as the silence came upon them, all but Matsuo burst out laughing. Eren was rolling on the floor, clutching his stomach and wheezing as if he couldn't get enough air. Bertholdt and Reiner were holding on to each other, slightly scratching the other from their hard grips. And lastly, there was Annie who was covering her mouth to cover her face, her shoulders moving up and down in a quick pace as to signal she found what Matsuo said to be humorous too.

"Guys," Matsuo said with a now irritated voice from having to focus their attention on her again. Her face gave off a look, showing that she was so done with their shit, but at the time, none of them could care. "I'm serious. I really plan to get you guys out of here." Her attempts were futile as the group just laughed more.

God, Eren tried, and failed, to stop his laughing while his mind was going over a few thoughts.

I haven't laughed this hard since... His mind tried to think back to a time while he was stuck here but no memories came up.

Eren was glad that he got the chance to let loose since most of his left to worrying for his or the group's health, but mostly his.

Their laughing time was short lived as a loud bang caught their attention immediately. They turned their heads toward the metal bars of their cell. A man in all black with a white mask covering his face looked at them. The only part of his body that they could see was his eyes, which looked at them with disgust. Actually, it was more than disgust. The eyes glared at them as if they were some type of mutant animals that didn't deserve to live in the same world that he did. They gave off such a strong hatred that Eren almost cowered back into a submissive pose. He glanced over at Annie and saw the strength she gave in her strict stance, like the evil the man gave off didn't affect her at all. Eren wanted to be strong for the group too.

Eren stood up straight and glared the man in black. He expected to see some sort of weapon in the man's hand but instead a syringe filled with a glowing neon green serum was being gripped tightly in the man's hand.

"Hey, you piece of shit," the man in black started, calling Eren by his supposed 'nickname' the men had given him. Eren hated how they thought they were better than him and referred to him as if he was worthless, like an animal. In his mind, the men were nothing but lowly scums who only terrorized people because they had nothing better to do with their lives. When Eren got the chance, he thoroughly planned to give them everything they deserved. Multiple times in his mind has he planned their deaths. Choking them would be too easy of a death. Maybe he would torture them like they did him, beating them till they were bloodied and begging for him to stop, and he would stop, just to let them heal so he could hurt them all over again. And he'd make sure that they felt every broken bone. Eren was startled out of his sadistic thoughts by the sound of rattling keys being taken out to open the cell.

"Get your useless ass over here. It's time for your medicine." When the last words were spoken, the man's mouth turned into a wicked smile, that could almost par with the devils. The words spoken fell into place, like a puzzle, and started to make sense in Eren's mind as memories flooded through his brain, memories of his dad injecting him with a needle every day and repeating 'It is for the good of humanity'.

For the good of humanity my ass. All he wanted to do was to use me as his little experiment.

Eren slowly gets up and walks over to the man, stopping when he got close but the man seemed to think they weren't close enough. Rough hands grab his arms and pulls him till the mouth of the man is near his ear, and Eren has to endure for the onslaught of death threats whispered into his ear.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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