Chapter 1

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"Can't I leave you guys alone?" Shouted Ms. Rudoff, "Because I feel like I can't."

We all hung our heads in shame. We had made a teacher cry. While we were being yelled at, I looked out the window, and saw four muscly men get out of a foreboding black van. They walked in a purposeful square toward the front doors of Lincoln. I heard them bang on the door, and some kid let them in. Then they pounded up the stairs toward the office. They shouted the whole way there.

Then Nathaniel got up and asked if he could leave the classroom for just a tiny minute. Ms. Rudoff grudgingly agreed, and Nathaniel motioned for me to follow him. Puzzled at his request, I cocked my head sideways and my eyebrow. He pointed at me then to him then to the door, and left the room.

I got up and asked if I could use the restroom, and she agreed after a minute or so of persuasion. I left the room and, and Nathaniel grabbed my arm. He pulled me down the hallway, all the way to what was known as science grotto. He grabbed both of my shoulders, and looked me in the eyes. My knees went weak, but I stayed standing so he could tell me what was so important..

"Ok, you know how you're a really good student?" He asked me, "Well the school assigned me to protect you." I raised my eyebrows skeptically. He jerked his head to the cameras. I sighed, this was just one of the many things I couldn't know yet.

"What exactly are you protecting me from?" He moved me towards a window, and pointed at the guys who came out of the black van.

'ALLY POTTER TO THE OFFICE PLEASE, ALLY POTTER TO THE OFFICE.' the intercom said, and I started to walk towards the office.

"You can't go in there!" Said Nathaniel. "Those guys'll get you."

"I can't hide from them forever." I said fatalistically "They'll find me some time."

"Will they?" Nathaniel asked me, his eyebrows raised. Then he grabbed em and lead me out of the school to a car.

"Mr. Jensen, you have left you keys in the car." the intercom blared. Crap. This meant we were having a stay put plan. They bad guys would never expect me to leave during one of these.

"Get in the car, and say goodbye to education." Seeing my face he added "For now."

"What about my saxophone? And my lunch. I have brownies in my lunch, I'm not gonna lose those." I stayed firmly planted on the sidewalk.

"Your saxophone's in here, along with a box of Hostess brownies. Now will you get in?"

"Not until you tell me what is going on." I crossed my arms.

"You're not making my job any easier." said Nathaniel pointedly I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine. I have to protect you because-" Then the doors to the school banged open, and the guys who came out of the van ran out of the building.

"See! I told you" said one to the other.

"Get them!" said who must be the leader. The 3 others sprinted towards us and I got in the car. Nathaniel revved the engine and we were off. We raced through the school parking lot. In reverse.

"SWITCH GEARS!!" I screamed. They were still running after us. Nathaniel's hand groped for the transmission, but he couldn't find it fast enough for me. I shifted for him, and suddenly, we were racing forward. He turned the car onto the road, and I breathed out in relief. "That. Was. Too. Close."

"If you would've just gotten the car like a good girl then it wouldn't have been." He said.

"You don't know me very well if you expected me to be a 'good little girl'."

Shaking his head, he glanced at me, "Put on your seat belt." He floored the car "Things may get a little messy." We started up south hill, and we broke 100 mph.

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