Chapter 10

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In a few hours, everyone’s shelters were done. I had helped Taylor make his, as he couldn’t do it very efficiently with broken ribs.

My hideaway was spectacular. My door was nestled under a root, and blocked my wood and moss. The inside was surprisingly spacious and bright. I had made several small windows, near trees, and they let in a lot of light. My hideaway had a bedroom, and den, a living room, and a dining room. My den had a window to Waleon’s, so I could talk to him. I think my hideaway was by far the best. I had also carved into the tree and made a way up to the top, with a few benches in it, too. The tree was meant to be an escape route, but it was fun to go to the top of the tree and be able to see forever.

I climbed down from my tree house and went to go and bother Waleon. I looked through the window. “Hey Waleon, you wanna see something cool?”

He followed my, and I led him up the tree. He was amazed at how quickly I had carved it, but I had only had to hollow out the very top of the tree. When the sun set, we watched it, hidden in the branches of the giant oak tree.

Once it was dark, Waleon left and I fell asleep in the tree. The night was cool and it didn’t rain, so I was fine.

That night, I dreamt of Nathaniel. He was trying to tell me something. He couldn’t speak, but he was mouthing things to me. Light rot red! Ust in in na anemone. He told me. That makes no sense at all. He tried to tell me this several times, but I still couldn’t understand. Finally, he shrugged and walked away, leaving me to figure out his message on my own.

I woke up before sunrise, and was momentarily confused. Then I remembered where I was and decided to scoot back into the middle of the tree. During my sleep, I had rolled dangerously close to the edge. I looked up at the stars through the leaves. Could there be someone else up there, feeling the same? Or was I the only one hwo had this problem in the entire universe?

A star shot by, and I wished on it. I was getting cold, so I decided to climb down. I stayed in my living room for a while, but I head a commotion going on outside. Peeking my head through the moss that formed my door, I saw boys rushing around the camp. “What happened?” I shouted to one of the panicked boys.

“The council members are all gone, except for Taylor and Justin. They’ve all disappeared without a trace.” They told me as they raced by. “Taylor’s really sick, and Justin won’t let anyone in.”

‘we’ll just see about that.’ I said to myself. Getting up, I limped over to Taylor’s hole. I slid in, and pressed myself against a wall. I listened to Justin, who was talking to Taylor.

“This’ll help you sleep.” Justin was saying to Taylor.

“So they’ve all just disappeared?” he said as he gulped something, “I don’t know how I got so sick.”

“Just try to rest. It’s weird no one’s come down here to see you.” Justin must be warding people off without leaving the room. But how? Was he using his mind? But he didn’t have those powers. That’s why I was so special. I heard Justin get up, and he walked into another room. Sneaking into Taylor’s room, I crept over to his pile of blankets.

“Taylor!” I whispered urgently.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s Ally”

“You’re my first visitor.”

“Justin’s been keeping us all out. How are you?”

“He’s been giving me some medicine to help me get better. It’s gross.” He made a face. “But all medicine’s gross.”

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