Chapter 8

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I woke to the moon. Sighing, I looked at the clock. Darn. Nobody was gonna be up at 2 o’clock in the morning.

Something was nagging at my brain, but I couldn’t remember it. What had happened was night? God, I was hungry. I would worry about last night later, right now, I was gonna find something to eat.

Only then did I realize theat I didn’t know where the food was kept. I wassn’t in a hole, because the walls were drywall and there were doors and windows. The only two people who would understand my hunger was Waleon and whoever had kissed me. That’s what happened last night!

Since I had no idea who had kissed me, I set off to find Waleon. I opened a few doors, and finally found him. I ran into his room and jumped on his bed. He yelped and flailed around, but I sat back and watched battle with his covers.  Finally, he found out he was wasting his time. “Waleon,” his eyes found mine. “Let go of the blanket. You can strangle it later.” He stopped trying to escape. “I’m hungry.”

“You wake me up at two in the morning, and you just say ‘I’m hungry’?” he asked in disbelief.

“But I am.” I whined. “Where are we anyway?”

“We’re not in the caves.”

“Well no duh.” I said. I already knew that. The caves don’t have doors, beds, or couches. “Seriously though, where are we?”

“Don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it before.”

“You don’t think about where you are?”

“Not every second of every day.”

“Well, it’s been several seconds, and quite a few days.” I paused. “Anyway, I’m hungry.”

Waleon sighed and got up, seeing that I wasn’t going to stop pestering him until I got food. I was starving though. “Come on.” He trudged wearily to the kitchen. “Knock yourself out.” Then he went back to his room, leaving me unwisely with a lot of food.  My sugar senses started tingling, and I found a whole stash of Hostess© snacks. I took only one thing; a ding-dong™. I had missed these so much. Then I ate a cosmic brownie, a cupcake, and a banana.

 By the time I was finished, I was hyper enough to run like 3 miles. I was practically bouncing off the walls on my way back to the couch.

I lay awake for a long time, staring at the ceiling. I had been kissed twice in my life (By someone that wasn’t related to me) but I still didn’t know who either of them were. Maybe it was the same person. Deciding that I needed to do more research before I could decide, I fell asleep.

My dream was about being stabbed, but not being able to run or move. In the dream, my mind felt like fuzz. Maybe someone was trying to control it.

I woke up breathing hard, and sat up. Seeing that the sun was rising, I decided to stay up. Once the sun had risen completely, Will entered the room. His red hair was still in the disarray of sleep. He sat down on the couch next to me. “I’m on morning duty.” He told me tiredly. “If anyone important comes in, wake me up.” With that, he laid down on the couch, and in a matter of seconds, started snoring.  I watched him sleep, as there was nothing else to do. They were right—sleep subtracted years. Will was relaxed, and the deep frown lines that existed in his waking hours were gone. He actually looked happy. I heard footsteps approaching us in a few minutes, so I poked him awake.

He sat up the moment Nick walked into the room. Nick relieved Will from his ‘duties’ and sat down next to me. “You slept for nearly a day. How’s it feel?” he said longingly.

“I seriously slept for a whole day?”


“It felt really good. My head still hurts a little though.”

“It should. Justin gave you a major concussion.” His eyebrows furrowed together, as if he were trying to remember something. “I need to check your head.” I leaned forward, and his hands tenderly lifted the bangage. When I winced, he stopped. “You OK?” I nodded, and he finally got the bandage off. Then his fingers touched the wound. I yelped; his hands were rough. “Sorry. My hands are rough.” He said apologetically.  He moved his fingers more gently across  my head. “It’s healing well. Should be pretty much healed by Friday.” It was Tuesday. “UNLESS you strain yourself by eating lots of sugar, or thinking.”

“So if I were to, say, have brownies and ding-dongs for breakfast, if would effect it?” I said, coming to realize my mistake.


“Crap.” I cursed under my breath.

“You didn’t.” he said, refusing to accept it.

“I did. I was hungry. Sorry.” I smiled, as I did anytime I was caught doing something embarrassing.

“Well then.” He said, glancing at me angrily. “If you don’t have anymore, maybe you can be better by next Thursday.”

“Really? Sugar pushed it back that much?” I asked in pure disbelief.

“Yeah.” He looked at my pained face. “I know just sitting on the couch, eating no sugar will be hard for you. He put on a grin. “But, well, we’ve got a TV and a Wii.”

I sighed. “When it’s better, I’m gonna eat every grain of sugar you have.”

“You do that.” He said, smiling at me. “Now let’s play Wii.”

We played Wii for 3 days, but then I got bored. Different people had versed me in basically every game they had, I had smoked everyone in MarioKart, which was surprising, all of the LegoTM games, but epically failed at Family Game Night. By the time Friday rolled around, I had thought about sneaking sugar, but I decided that it would do me more harm than anything.

On the fourth day, I was completely and utterly sick of lounging on the couch, waiting for the world to end. “I’m sick of this!” I yelled, as Garrett turned on the Wii that morning. “I can’t stand it! No sugar, no moving, no yelling, and no thinking for 3 freaking days straight! I can’t take it anymore!”

He was obviously surprised at my outburst. “No yelling.” He reminded me gently.

“Screw the rules!” I shouted, jumping off the couch. “I’m gonna get myself a Twinkie.” Then I ran out of the room. He yelled something after me, but I ignored him. My head was hurting from the excursion I was putting on it, but I ignored that too. I reached the Kitchen, only to find that someone was already there.

Zander stood by the sugar cabinet, opening a Twinkie. I ran towards it, but he opened it, and it exploded in his face.

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