Chapter 15

177 11 6

A/N Hey peeps. I hope you like this chapter. I don't own anything

(Shadow has logged on)

(Kate has logged on)

Kate: Imma go...

Shadow: No wait! Kate please talk to me.

Kate: *shakes head*

Shadow: *has chocolate*

Kate: o.o Gimme

Shadow: Not until you talk to me.

Kate: ....

(Stony has logged on)

Tony: Wtf

Steve: 0.0

(Aby has logged on)

Aby: .....

(Aby has logged off)

Steve: ABY!

(Steve has logged off)

Tony: So what's happening here?

Shadow: I'm trying to get Kate to talk to me.

Kate: .....

Tony: Hmmmm why isn't she talking to you?

Shadow: .....I did something.

Kate: .....bai

(Kate has logged off)

Tony: Oh wow ok.

(Bruce has logged on)

Bruce: Hey

(Shadow has logged off)

Bruce: Ok then

Tony: Where's Chrissie?

Bruce: She's visiting her parents. She'll be back in a week or so

Tony: Oh. Imma go spy on Kate.

Bruce: .....?

Tony: ....

(Tony has logged off)

Bruce: uh

(Bruce has logged off)

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