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I wake up from the brightness of the sun , looking around taking in my surrounding . Slowly raising up and easing on the floor . I wandered up to the doctors desk asking for jasmine . I get the room number and make my way there , as all the thoughts of the previous day before flush over me. I get to her room to see she's up eating .

"Jas I .... She cuts me off

" Save it nothing is ok, its just getting worst and worst and not to mention all the emotional and physical stress I have endured it's like just when I think I can start healing I get knocked back . Not to even speak of how serious this matter is now . My mom is barely responsive . Look at me look at you . I'm sorry liyah but I can't do this . I can't let you get hurt anymore , everyone around me is getting hurt ..... "

"Jas its fine I'll be here you don't" I say as I choke up

"Listen liyah I just can't right now , please, to much is going on I need space " Jas says and looks away

I storm out as the tears flow down my face . I make it to my room and lay in bed and curl up crying silently .

"Hello Mrs. " the doctor walks in and I wipe my face and get up

"Yes doc"I watch as she's looking at her clip board .

" Well we will be releasing you soon , I have a few medicines you will have to take daily for a few weeks and also check in every week so I can monitor your progress . Juice only , not many greasy foods , your throat and lungs need healing . I'll also give you medicine for any future pain ." she says checking a lot of things off her board before leaving

*30 minutes later*

Doctors arrive with a wheelchair to see me out . As I get wheeled out I look in Jas's room and she's sleep . I turn and continue as I make my way to the front where my moms car is waiting for me and she helps me inside the car . She pulls off and ride in silence for a while .

"Umm I'll pick up your medicine later and get you what you need " she says breaking the silence . I nod and look out the window not saying anything .

We ride for about 35 more minute's before we pull up to our house. I get out and follow behind my mom so she can open the door . I walk in and head straight for me room and I lay across my bed and cry .

How can she just leave me , how can I let her go , when did it come to this? So many answered questions , so much pain . It's like I can still hold her or like I can still remember how she would lay on me . I hate myself for letting all the happen to Jas . I was supposed to be there . I cry and the salty tears drip down my lips . Soon after I doze off . I wake up about 4 hours later to the aroma of food ,which I can't seem to put my finger on . I check my phone for Jas , nothing there . I guess its a habit I'll
Have to get use to .


I love liyah so much , I just want to run to her and she protects me . I just want her safe . I can't lose her , she's my world . I check my phone phone to see if I had anything , but I have nothing . tears form in my eyes and I put my head in my pillow . Then my door opens .

"Hey how you holding up sunshine ." says a familiar voice .

I look up and it's my Uncle Fred .

"When did you get here , Don't you live in Cali how'd you get to Texas ?" I ask as I raise up slowly .

"Well I was on a trip and midway I got a call telling me you and your mom were pretty beaten up . I have news for you good or bad you have to follow . " he says softly

Ok fine. I agree

"You have to come stay with me in my condo until all this blows over . I need to know you're safe while your moms healing. I want you to pack your favorite things a few clothes but I have money for you to buy more when you get to Cali . I'll also pick up your medicine on the way to your house . "

I just nod because I know its not a debate .

All I could think about was liyah . I can't leave her , not on terms like this. As I'm thinking doctors come in with a wheelchair to wheel me to Fred's car . Fred helps me in.

"To your house then the pharmacy ." he says

"Can we make one more stop before we go?" I ask and look in his eyes

"Of course baby girl ."

We pull up at my house and I go to my room looking around the house seeing the darkness on the walls from the fire . I get my photo album with pictures of me and liyah . I get everything stuff she bought me , her clothes I wore and never gave back . her necklace she gave me . Lastly I grab the promise rings I had made for me and her . Then I grab my bag and head to the car .

"Where to?" Fred asks

I give him the address and within 10 minutes we're there . I jump out the car and i run to the door . I knock and Liyah's mom answers .

"Can a speak to liyah for a while ." I ask

"Yes sure come in ." she says opening the door .

I run straight to Liyahs room startling her .

" Liyah I Dont have much time but I love you , I always have . You mean everything to me and I never told you enough . I'm leaving to Cali with Fred . I have to . I Don't want to but I can't get out of this one . I'm sorry for putting you through all of this . I love you beyond life and I will always love you . "

I pull out the rings and I grab her hand putting it on her .

I had these made , I just wanted it to be the right time , it was now or never so I had to give it to you before I left .

She has tears drying down her face .

"Jas I love you , forever . I will miss you . I sorry I couldn't protect you but I'll make it up to you I promise " liyah says as she grabs my hand putting the other ring on me .

She hugs me and I take a deep breath as I cry and hug her back . My uncle beeps for me to come on . I kiss liyah one last Time .

"I love you liyah don't ever forget that"

"I love you more Jas and I won't baby " liyah says as she walks me to the car and I hug her one last time watching her drive away . Watching my love go away from me . Taking part of me with her , as tears flow down my face . . I wipe the salty tears before finally walking back inside to my room ,locking it . I plop on my bed exhausted mentally , physically and emotional so I surrender myself to sleep while I think about Jas .

Sorry for the delayed update . I hope y'all enjoy more twists and turns to come . Comments ? I'll respond . Kik me if you have any ideas for my next chapter . kik: Angelbabie98

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