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a/n: I decided on taking another shot at this whole fluff story thing because my last one failed utterly lmao. Hopefully, you like this one because I had to research about Norwest Christian College for this :-/ LOLLL

anyways enjoy

btw this takes place in 2015 so its current 5sos fame. (edited)

Maya's POV

At one point I was perfectly dreaming, about happiness and the warmth of the air around me, and the next thing you know I was abruptly awoken from that amazing fantasy into the ugly reality of my stupid alarm clock. I bet this is how alarm clock companies make money, by making the sound purposely annoying so you actually break it and go buy another one.

Slamming my index finger onto the off button, I got out of bed. Walking past the mirror on my dresser I took a glance to see that my brown hair was a disheveled mess that physically resembled the shape of a nest. I grabbed my towel and headed for the shower. Putting on some tunes I quickly showered and got out before cringing at the cold air that hit my body like a shock wave. I walked back into my room and changed into my undergarments as I took out my Norwest Christian College uniform and shuttered at the look of it. I forgot to mention, I'm currently living in Austrailia, but I'm American. I moved here literally at the beginning of senior year from New York, leaving my best friend Sarah. Great right? My dad got a job transfer here. The usual when it comes to most abrupt moves. So the last thing I wanted to do was wear uniforms when I actually grew up with free dress. Guess what I got.

Slipping on the white button up shirt and the plaid white and gray skirt I yawned, before putting on my white knee high socks. I sat down in front of my mirror and brushed through my hair, which actually felt like I was ripping my hair off of my head, and applied concealer, powder, blush, and mascara. I finished up my makeup by putting on some chapstick. Tying my hair up into a high ponytail before getting back up. Spritzing myself with some of my favorite perfume before grabbing my blazer and shoes. Unplugging my phone out of its charger it flashed on and I saw the notifications.

text: 2 from Sarah, 1 from the GBF, 3 from GC: BITCHES

Instagram: 4 people liked your photo

Quickly putting on my shoes and my blazer, I ran downstairs.

"Sissy!" Ben, my 2-year-old brother, squealed as soon as he saw me rear the corner from his high chair.

I smiled at him and walked over to him and tickled him.

"Hi, Benji!" He giggled before going back to playing with the pieces of fruit that were placed on the tray in front of him.

"Here are your eggs and bacon," My mom smiled as she placed the plate of steamy goodness in front of me. I checked the clock, 8:27. Wow, I actually have time today.

My dad was currently on a business trip in China. My mom stays at home with me and Ben, which is very very helpful. Ben and I have a big age difference and that's because a couple years ago my parents tried for another baby, but my mom had a miscarriage. But now I have Ben. I could never have been more grateful for a better brother than him.

Finishing up my breakfast and drinking my water I placed both of the items in the sink. Grabbing my backpack that I packed last night before quickly giving Ben a hug.

"Bye Benny, I'll see you later." Before giving him a small wink as he also winked back. It was our little thing.

"Bye Mom." I quickly spoke to her as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door as she replied with a bye.

Getting into my Toyota corolla I started to head to school. I turned on the radio to hear a song by, 5 Seconds of Summer? Finding it to be a song called Amnesia. And apparently, they were in their home town of Sydney, Australia. Hey, that's convenient they live in the same city. I spend most of my time with my school work and Ben so I'm not really into this whole mainstream bands and pop singers scene. The people I do like, however, include Blink-182, Greenday, ATL, TOP, and State Champs. Which should explain why I do not know who these 5 seconds of summer guys are.

Pulling up into the parking lot of the school I got out and checked the clock on my phone. 8:45. Cool, I have like 15 minutes. I walked into the building and instantly found my friend group. Or as I call them BITCHES. Our group consisted of Derek (my gay best friend, and yes he is actually gay), Chloe, Camari, Brea, and I. These were the first few people that took me in when I first came to this school a few months ago and knew no one.

"MAYA DID YOU HEAR 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER ARE HERE IN OUR CITY. AND DID YOU KNOW THAT THREE OF THEM WENT TO THIS SCHOOL?!? WE MUST MEET THEM OHMYGOD!" Camari exclaimed as soon as I opened my locker which was right next to the rest of theirs.

"Oh that's right you're obsessed with them! I heard there name on the radio while coming and I was like where have I heard about these guys?" I explained, closing my locker and facing them.

"I can't believe you don't know who they are but yet you listen to all these other bands. 5SOS are pretty famous, even I know them," Derek questioned, "And might I say Calum Hood's ass is mighty fine."

"Amen." Chloe agreed, earning laughs from the rest of us.

a/n: real quick. I am from America so I am just guessing when it comes to what classes are like in Australia so I am sorry to any Aussie readers if this shit is hella wrong haha

The bell rang and we all dispersed for class.

The rest of the day was the same old same old. Except everyone was acting faker. And when I asked why they told me to shut up and look up 5SOS, yikes. Also, we ran into a situation with Brenda (school slut and fake bitch) when she overheard us, well Camari, Derek, and Chloe, talking about 5 Seconds of Summer and laughed at us. Followed by the string of insults on how no one would want to meet us or even talk to us. Before claiming this "Luke" figure to be hers and laughing obnoxiously.

Walking back into my house, I found Ben watching Dora the Explorer while pointing at the screen and laughing about who knows what. My mom was sitting on the couch next to him looking at something on her computer. Probably online college courses that she said she wanted to retake.

"Hey, sweetie." She spoke without looking up from her computer. I replied back before taking off my blazer and walking over to our fridge digging through it to find some green grapes.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna go on a run if that's okay," I asked stuffing some grapes into my mouth before closing the container and putting it back into the fridge.

"Yeah sure, just don't be too long and be careful."

I quickly ran up the stairs and took off my stupid uniform. Before changing into a plain gray tank top from Hollister and some running shorts. Lacing up my black Nike free runs, I grabbed my headphones and checked my hair, fixing my ponytail before heading out the door.

Saying goodbye to Ben, making sure to wink, and my mom. I closed the door behind me started to run, blasting Blurryface through my headphones.

a/n: well that was my crap story lmao

I didn't want to progress the story just yet because then this story would be hella short

okay well hope you enjoyed make sure to VOTE, and comment your thoughts on Brenda

also add this story to your library! so you know when I add another chapter

bye guys :))

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