Chapter 4

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Me and Nick were sitting by the fireplace on a blanket listening to The Fray quietly and drinking, my, non-explosive, hot chocolate. 

"So, wanna just sit here and ask each other questions?" He smiled and gave me a slight wink. "I'd love to." I took a sip of my hot chocolate and smiled. "Shoot." I said sitting my hot chocolate on the ground. "Why'd you wanna come over, I mean, you could've said no, but you said yes." He looked at the ground then back up at me. 

I thought for a minute. I really liked Nick, I know that sounds kind of childish and stupid since I barely even know him, but I do. It's not really something I can help. 

"I came because I think you're really cool, and funny. I really like talking to you, you're fun to be around." I smiled at him and he returned the smile. "Why'd you want me to come over?" I asked him, I was twirling my hair in my hand. "You're cool, and hilarious. And, who doesn't like being around pretty girls?" He said. I laughed and looked at the ground. 

I didn't believe him. I'm not good with compliments, I can give them, but receiving them kind of freaks me out. I've always been put down by so many people. A lot of people say I "pretend" not to believe people when they say those kinds of things to me, for attention. That is totally not true. I truly believe I'm not pretty, or funny, or cool. I think I'm the exact oppisite.

"What?" Nick asked me tilting my head up. I knew he could tell I didn't believe him. He frowned and looked at me. "So, it's my turn to ask the question. What would you do if I kissed you?" He asked. Before I could answer his warm, soft lips were on mine. 

This was... perfect. 

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