First day of school

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Egobang fanfic

~Arin's POV~

Today is the beginning of a new year of High School and the day already begun loud and active. Mom was running through the house trying to get everything ready for me and my brother and my dad was frantically making breakfast and getting ready for work. The door of my room was still closed and I looked at the clock next to my bed reading 7:04, brushing my brunett hair out of my eyes. Yawning I get up and take a look around my room, the window was closed and the blinds were shut making my room pitch black but I was still able to see shapes of my shelf of video games and the TV in the corner. Suddenly my brother , Nate, comes barging into my room
Then ran out down the hall into the kitchen.
"Dammit.." I say then quickly put on pants and a shirt then run into the kitchen. Mom was already outside tending to the animals and dad was already going out the door heading to work. I hardly ever get to see them, mom being busy all the time with her meetings and such, and dad being out at work they don't get home till late, and Nate was always with his friends. But it didn't bother me much because I liked the quiet house to myself.

I looked out the window and saw the bus drive up which signaled me to get up and leave the house, waving bye to my mom and Nate. Getting on the bus my friends Barry and ross wave me down and I sit next to Ross as Barry sits behind us.
"Did you get the new mario game yet?!" Yelled Ross as he flung his arms up into the air and dropping one of his books.
Barry looked up "God dammit Ross.."
I just sat there and chuckled being the quiet one in the group I just mostly sit and listen to the two of them laugh and scream at each other the entire ride to school. Till suddenly a boy, skinny and tall with long curly hair walks onto the bus, making my heart stop in its tracks. My face grew hot and I slide down in my seat trying not to be noticeable till Ross turns over and looks at me.
"The hell is wrong with you" looking at my eyes then following them to see what I was looking at.
"Do you know him or something?"
"N-no.." I said stammering on my words
"Ooooo does someone have a crush!" Barry said poking me on my back.
I've never told Barry or Ross, but ever since middle school I had a crush on this boy but never been able to talk to him or even get to know his name. It was hard for me too because I don't want to get judged for being gay, and he always hangs out with the popular girls like Suzy and holly, so I can only assume he is straight..
I look back over at the two kids hovering over me. "Would you guys stop being immature and talk about more video games" I huff and cross my arms, looking away. Which only made them laugh and bug me more, but only for a few minutes longer till we reached school.

I looked around trying to find my classroom, watching everyone panic and push into each other, only making it more difficult to find my room. Finally reaching the end of the hall and walking into the room, I was the first one here and the teacher was asleep at his desk. I take a long sigh and look around, the chalk board said "please pick any seat" so as always I sat in the back of the room next to the windows so I didn't have to be bothered by people.

As everyone rushed into the room and picking seats next to all their friends and talking making a small murmur in the room, I was by myself in the corner, my head on my desk waiting for class to start. Then the boy walked in as if he was shining and the only one I could easily point out, making my face burn red I quickly look around to see the seating arrangements and realize the only seat left is one next to me.
I quietly whisper to myself "shit" and hide my head into my arms on my desk.

He walks over and taps my shoulder, which made me blush even more and lift up my head slightly so my arms weren't crushing it.
"Hey, my names Daniel but you can call me Danny" smiling lightly at me, his face looking even more beautiful and handsome then before and making me stare longer then I should have. He waved his hand in front of my face I come back into reality
"O-oh hi.. U-um my names Arin.. Nice to meet you" I say, cursing at myself inside my head. But he giggled and looked away making me more fidgety and giggly.

After class it was lunch time and I saw Barry and Ross, yet again, yelling at each other about smash bros.
I just roll my eyes and tell them to just compromise with something.
Ross then shoves me lightly
"Look at holly.. Isn't she just amazing.. Her short hair and eyes, I just mmmmm"
Barry cuts in
"She's out of your league dude.. But how about Suzy, she's so hot"
I watch as the two of them fantasize about the girls as they walk over to their seats in the lunch room. Then Dan walks in and my heart starts beating fast, as I stare at him again at how amazing he looks with his shirt and rings and how he is so calm and collective-- then he looked over at me--
"Shit" I say quietly under my breath and look down at my half eaten tray.
A few moments pass and Dan sits next to Barry right across from me.
"Sup guys, anything new" he says as he opens his spork and napkin wrap.
Barry looks over at me then back at Dan
"Oh yknow, lady watching, wishing we were cooler or.. Whatever.."
Dan laughs and adds on "yeah well, girls are over rated, especially the stuck up ones that go here"
I look up at him and he's staring at me very intently making my face grow even more red. Barry kicks Ross under the table and signals him to look at me, making Ross snicker.
"I gotta go" I say quickly as I rush out the lunch room and into the classroom, completely embarrassed.

~skipping to the end of the day~

School is over and I pack my things and get up to leave, deciding to walk home today since the bus is almost always late after school. Enjoying the scenery and the clouds as the gently drift by. The trees slightly blowing in the wind making life seem to stop for a moment so I can keep up. Taking a deep sigh of relief until I feel a hand on my head.
"Hey kiddo, why did you run off at lunch?"
Said the mysterious person touching my head. I slowly look up to see that it was Dan and I jump backwards a little and stutter
" I-i had work to do in the lib-- I mean classroom, yeah, and I went to go finish it!"
Only making him giggle a little bit and look at me with relaxing eyes.
"Dude, calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you, and besides my house is this way so I'm just making small talk.. Unless you rather not walk with me which is also fine"
I look ahead of us as he points in the direction we are going. I take in a breath of air
"No it's fine.. We can walk, I'm just not used to talking to uhm.. People.. In general"
He looks down at me then back up
"Well we don't have to talk, a walking buddy is just as nice"
I smile and we continue to walk as I continue to enjoy the scenery and Dan right by my side, which only seemed to be a dream in my past, is now coming true.

Dan finally waved goodbye as we pass his house, which shockingly isn't far away from mine at all. I then get home, it's 4:10 and no one is home, not even Nate, who is probably at his friends house. I take a deep breath and walk to my dark room, closing the door and flopping down on my bed with a huge smile on my face. Closing my eyes and imagining Danny right next to me as we walk.

Today was a great first day..

~authors note~
Hey guys! Dare here..

This is kinda my first ever fanfic.. So I hope it's not too crappy.. I looked over it at least 10 times!
I decided to make this story some what loose and see where things go, so this is more like a prologue to more to come, that is if people like this. XD

If I get some feedback I might continue but I'm not too sure..
But I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if it's short!
Bye for now ^.^

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