Good days come to bad ends

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~Arins PoV~

Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock blasting in my ear, I grumble and smash the button to turn it off. Sitting up I rest my back against the back of my bed, rubbing my eyes and actually looking at the time on the clock now reading 11am. I let out a long sigh and stretch, getting my barring's together and adjusting my eyes to the dark room. I think about what happened last night and the fact that Danny is basically living with me for a while, when it finally struck me in a panic looking around "Where is Danny" I say to myself. Throwing the blanket off me I walk out of my room and hear the shower running and slight cursing "how does this shower even work, dammit!" then hear a loud thud against the floor, making me rush into the bathroom. "Dan are you okay??" I look down at the man wrapped in a towel and rubbing his head "yeah, just slipped, I don't even know how to get the hot water running" he scowls and looks away from me, making me chuckle. I walk over and adjust the water and help him back up, when suddenly he grabs my waist and brings me closer to him, his mouth right next to my ear breathing making me blush hard and get a little warm. "Why don't you shower with me babe" he whispers in my ear, making me push him away "D-Danny, dammit, why do you have to be sexual and besides I took one last night!" I say crossing my arms and walk out of the bathroom.

30Mins pass and I am sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone looking at tumblr and twitter and all those sites when I suddenly get a text from Barry reading "Hey Arin... seems as if we might have a new friend joining our nerd group, got a neighbor who moved in next to me and he loves video games just as much as us!" I sigh and roll my eyes, then chuckle a little. I text him back saying that he should bring him over some time with ross so we can all chill, then I lay down on the couch and cover my face with my arm. Wondering why it's taking so long for Danny to take a shower, I kind of wanted to do something with him today, by ourselves without the group of girls or people in general.

while day dreaming about Danny spending time with me alone, I feel a large mass lay right on top of me getting heavier and heavier till finally I open my eyes to see Danny laying on top of me doing winky eyes fully naked. My face heats up fast, feeling like steam was about to come out my ears like an old school cartoon, I try to back away from him struggling till he plants his lips on mine. They feel so soft, warm even, making me calm down and forget about what's happening other than my body wanting him closer. I grab his back pulling him closer, his hands traveling inside my shirt and up my chest when suddenly I hear my door bell ring making me push him off me and rush him into my room, "Get dressed, like fuck" I say flustered.

Walking over to the door I adjust my shirt and open up the door to see Barry and Ross waving at me with smiling faces, and a small kid in the back of the group looking shy as ever. "I take it this is the kid that moved in?" I say to Barry as he nods at me "and he has mad editing skills, almost better than me but y'know, no one's better than me" he laughs while ross nudges him glaring. I let out a cough "well come on in, I guess we can all chill here today unless you guys have plans" I wave my hands in front of me inviting everyone in "nah, you said we can come chill so I thought now would be awesome" Barry says, walking into my kitchen and making a pot of coffee, and ross turning on my TV and starting up the game systems. I look over to the foreign kid who is shyly hovering over Ross, he looks extremely young and really really short, but also cool, maybe too be a nerd that is.

Eventually we are all on the couch and I introduce myself to the kid, who goes by the name of Kevin, which fits him perfectly. Ross and Barry are on the floor battling each other on a match of Mortal kombat, Kevin sitting next to Barry. Suddenly a sound emanates from my bedroom as if something was dropped on the floor making the two gamers pause the game and everyone looked over to me. "Arin has a booty call over and didn't even inform us" ross said with his sly sadistic smirk, I panic a little "uh no no no, it's nothing like that!" I say as my door opens and Danny walks out drying his hair, at least fully dressed this time in his usual band black cloths. "Hey babe, I dropped a cup, it didn't break luckily but I-"he stops mid-sentence, looking up to see everyone staring at him while I huddled up putting my face in my knees.

The silence was broken with Ross laughing hysterically, rolling onto his back and gasping for air "did, did he just call you, babe??" he continues to laugh. I keep my head between my legs and nod slightly, feeling a hand on my back rubbing it slowly making me feel less ashamed. "Yeah, Arin and I are dating, asked him out yesterday, and I think I might move in" he chuckles. That comment made me dart my head up "You are not moving in Dan! I'm just helping him is all" I say feeling the heat return to my cheeks. I look over at Barry who hasn't said a thing, "eh, I don't care, as long as you are happy bud" sticking his tongue out and continuing with a comment "ross, we aren't finished, I'm ready to kick your ass" which snapped ross out of his laughing and back to the screen "YOU WISH!" he screams making everyone laugh.

--Few hours pass--

Danny fell asleep with his arm around me and his mouth wide open, head against the back of the couch, snoring like a bear. Barry and Ross finally finish their battling and Kevin wanted to play some shoot em' up game, who seemed pretty intense trying to kill people. Looking over I see Ross exhausted and laying weirdly on my recliner, almost falling out of it, scrolling on his phone and Barry was watching Kevin play his game. Honestly today turned out different then I wanted it to but it was still nice seeing my good friends and making a new friend along the way. I smile looking over at Danny, who is my boyfriend, which makes me so happy, being able to call him my boyfriend, I rest my head on him hugging him close. I hear ross go "ewww love birds" and Barry throwing a shoe at him and sticking his tongue out commenting to him "You're just jealous rosss" making ross cross his arms "nuh uh".

"Hey guys its roughly dinner time, do you want anything specific?" I ask getting up slowly trying not to wake up Dan. "I could always make sandwiches" scratching my head and looking around "or.. I could order pizza" seeing that I don't even have bread. Ross looks up "yeah I rather have pizza then lame sandwiches" "ditto" Barry adds in, and Kevin simply nodding his head too busy playing his game "pizza it is.." I go to my room to get my phone. Walking in I see my phone on my bed, picking it up I hear Dans phone buzzing like crazy, walking over to check I see that he had 23 messages from his dad and 12 calls from his mom. I worriedly pick it up and go back into the living room shaking him awake "hey uh...your parents are looking for you" I say handing his phone and then I walk to the kitchen to order the pizza, looking at Dan the whole time. He rubs his eyes to wake up then looks down at his phone, his face going pale white and opening his phone. A few seconds pass and his face gets even more pale and walks into the bathroom, making me panic I finish the order and rush to his side.

I see him throwing up bent over the toilet and shaking as if he saw a ghost right in front of him, I run over and hold him close "Dan, baby.. You don't have to tell me anything, but I just want you to know I'm worried and I'm always here for you" I say to him while his head is hunched over the toilet. He looks up at me, dead in the eyes "my sister is in the hospital".

-Authors note-

Okay here's the chapter, sorry it took me a few months but tada!, hope it wasn't too weird or too short= or sad at that :P

I'll try to post again sooner than later!

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