Chapter 3

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I gather my things together as soon as the lunch bell rings, scooting past all the strangers in my way. I decide on walking down to the local Starbucks instead of fighting the crowd of students in the cafeteria. I unlock my locker and shove the books into the shelves.

"H-Hi u-uh Darcy." A familiar voice behind me stutters. I turn and smile wide at Marcel, who's biting his lip. He lets his bottom lip go and smiles slightly.

"Hey Marcel!" I say and shut my locker and locking it. I put my money in my pocket, and turn back to Marcel. 

"How are you?" I ask and he just nods.
"That's good."
"What a-about you?"
"I'm fine."
"Well, t-that's good too."

We go silent for a few moments after that.
I rock back and forth on my heels as Marcel looks up at the ceiling.

I break the silence with an offer.
"Would you like to walk to Starbucks with me?"
I ask and smile.
He looks back to me with confusion on his face.
"U-uh sure." He says with a look of hesitation spreading across his features.

"You okay?" I ask as we walk towards to the front doors of the university.
"F-Fine it's just that n-no ones ever invited me anywhere to lunch before." He says and I just nudge his shoulder with my own.

"I don't know why. You're a great guy." I say and I finally get a sweet dimpled smile out of him.
"T-Thank you."
Marcel looks away, biting the inside of his cheek after the smile fades.
I almost repeat my earlier question but decide against it.
We finally reach the Starbucks and I pull open the door at the same time as Marcel tries to do the same.
My hand touches his, in which Marcel automatically jerks away.

"S-Sorry." He squeaks. I shake my head, looking at the poor boy.
"It's fine Marcel." I walk into the coffee shop with Marcel stepping inside beside me.
We walk to the line and wait quietly. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence.

Well, for me at least.

I glance over to Marcel who's biting his lip and releasing it, then biting it again. He's also fidgeting with his thumbs and he scratches at his collared shirt. My curious side wants to see what's the matter with him but my logical side decides against it.
He's obviously not a social person.

It's finally our turn, and I order a Vanilla frappe, topped with extra whipped cream.
I hear a snicker come from Marcel, and I glance over at him. He has a small smirk on his face and he raises his eyebrows.
"I like whipped cream okay?" I say and he just rolls his eyes, then starts fiddling with his thumbs again.

I walk to the end of the line and watch as Marcel orders, it's evident he's stuttering really bad. I start to walk over to help him but he walks over to me first. His face is a bit shiny from sweat of nervousness and my heart crumbles for him.
"We wait here for the drinks." I say and he just nods, biting his lip again.
We wait a few moments before they call out Darcy and Marcel, we thank the clerk and walk to a corner seat by the window. I take a seat across from him and he sits daintily down into the green leather seat.

"What did you get?" I ask to start conversation.
"C-Coffee." He says simply and takes a small sip.
"Well what kind?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks up from his thumbs to me.
I grimace, shaking my head.
"That's gross."
A smile grows faintly across his face.
"I-Is not."
"Is too."
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
He stares at me and scrunches his nose up.

"I-I think you're j-just taste blind I-is all."
"I think it's vice versa Marcel."
"I-I don't."

I laugh, tilting my head back in my normal little fit of giggles.

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