Chapter 22

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"Wake up. I said wake up!"

I groan when someone hits me in the head with something.
It's Zoe.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I groan, covering my face.
"Harry let me in. Now get up, we are going shopping."
"You promised you little twerp now get the hell up!"

I feel myself being flung up by Zoe, and only getting a muttered apology when she hits my bad leg.
"Where's Harry?" I slur, climbing out of bed awkwardly.

"I kicked him out. It's a girls day today." I smile as she claps her hands and goes to examine my closet.
"My god what are you a nun?" She exclaims, examining my skirts, jeans and sweaters.
"You have nothing sexy. I have to give you a makeover today."
Oh no
"I don't think that's such a good-"
"You liked what I did to you for the party, didn't you?" She questions and I shut my mouth. I really did.

"That's what I thought." She says smugly.
"Here," She tosses me my Beatles concert shirt and ripped skinny jeans with a pair of black vans.
"I'll be doing your makeup." She says and I roll my eyes. She walks into the bathroom and I take the opportunity to change quickly into my clothes. By the time she comes back out, I've got everything on and I'm clipping my golden cross necklace around my neck.

"Alright let's get you all dolled up."
Her old fashioned slang never ceases to amaze me.

About about a half pound of foundation and 67 tubes of mascara and lipstick later, I'm a finished product.

When she shows me the mirror, I smile at what's looking back at me. It looks really good.
"Wow." I say and she pats my back.
"Now, let me get to work on this hair."
Once she finishes, my hair is straightened.

"Fucking hot. Not in that way. Don't worry I haven't got the hots for you."

I stifle a laugh as I limp out and put my foot into the boot the doctor gave me. I'm so relieved I didn't need crutches. I was asleep long enough for it get past the crutches stage somehow.

"Let's go!" She howls and I pray this day goes well.


"I like this one." She smiles and holds out a black crop top that says The 1975 on it.
"Why does it have my mothers birth year on it?" I wonder and she laughs.
"You've never heard of The 1975?"
"No, is it a band?"
"Yeah, like the best band!" She just laughs.
"No way, The Bee Gees top everything." I say and she grimaces.
"Too disco for me. Besides they sound like dying seals."
"They weren't just disco you bitch!" I laugh and she slaps my head playfully.

"Sorry, Sorry. Just not my scene."
I roll my eyes for like the millionth time today as we move on.
We go to a few more stores, and I get black skinny jeans and a lace long sleeved shirt.

One outfit of particular interest is Zoe's favorite and she made me change. I smile in satisfaction when her jaw drops when I walk out.
"Damn Zoe!" She hoots and high fives me.
"I look alright?"
"Better than alright!"

I glance down at the tight black crop top, with skinny skinny blue jeans and white vans.
It's not my style, but I'll go with it.

"Now, for our hair!"
Oh my lord.
"No, no-" I start but she drags me to the salon.
She checks us both in under her name no matter how much I protest to pay and leave.

After some washing, clipping, and eyebrow plucking we are all done. When I look in the mirror I smile in relief. It looks good. I look refreshed with newly arched eyebrows, and my hair looks really silky. They've straightened it again after washing and its not any shorter, just my dead ends are clipped off and my natural blonde has emphasized. 

I look over at Zoe and gasp. She looks so pretty!
"Wow, Zoe you look great!" and she beams.
"Thanks, you too!" She says and we both thank the hair stylists.
"Want to get something to eat?" She asks, gesturing to the food court. At the mention of food I feel my stomach growl.

"Yes, I'm starving." I groan and we haul our bags over to the food court. We grab some subs from subway and two sodas before sitting down.

We eat in silence before we begin talking again.
"I had fun today." Says Zoe as she sips at her Sprite.
"Me too, it was great." I say and sip my Coke.

Suddenly, Zoe's eyes widen and she leans towards me.
"Code red, Harry is here." I don't understand why she looks so worried until I turn around and see he's here with another girl.

"Fuck, this day was going so well too." Curses Zoe.
"Want me to go rip his balls off for you?" I gasps lightly at her foul words but quickly shake my head.
"No, let's just go."
If he wants two girlfriends, fine. He's losing one though.

We get up and throw away our trays.
Don't turn around. Don't turn around.
One glance won't hurt.
I turn around and wish I hadn't.
He's looking straight at me with his lips slightly parted. He says something to the brunette and starts rushing over here.
"Shit he's coming! Gotta blast." Exclaims Zoe, who begins dragging me down the mall.

"Darcy!" His voice calls, just as I'm being drug into a store.
Zoe whispers to take off for the bathroom which makes me confused. I'm not a mall girl, so I'm lost.

I mentally slap myself when I feel his warm fingers wrap around my wrist.
"Darcy," He starts but I look away.
"Let me go." I say through my teeth.
"Let me explain-"
"Leave Harry. I want nothing to do with-"
"You don't mean that." He whimpers, and I suddenly feel pity for him. He sounds like a wounded puppy.

I try to soften my blow, even though he doesn't deserve it.
"I saw you with that brunette."
"She's my friend, that's it. Please Darcy believe me." He begs, taking my hands in his.
"We are shopping for her boyfriend's birthday. I'm best friends with her boyfriend." He explains.
I feel some of the worry dissolve off of my chest as I take a deep breath.

"Don't leave me Darcy. Please, I love you. Believe me." He looks at me with hope in his eyes and I just shake my head. His horrified expression makes me quickly rebound.
"No, No I'm not leaving-"
His expression relaxes a little.
"It's just I'm sorry for being stupid."
"You're not stupid babe." He says softly and bends down to kiss my cheek.
I'm not used to having such public displays of affection, but I smile.

"Now that that's cleared up, what the hell are you wearing?" He says, eyeing up and down my body.
"Is it bad?"
"No, Fuck no it looks good." He growls and I feel butterflies scatter in my stomach.
"So does your hair. You look fucking beautiful Jesus Christ." He rubs his temple and I just smile, taking his hand.

"Thank you-"

"Now you mister, have some fucking explaining to do." Booms Zoe's voice.
Uh oh.
"Um, Zoe-" I try to interrupt.
"What the fuck were you thinking huh? Coming here with a sleezy brunette?"
"I didn't-" Says Harry but Zoe continues.
"You did though, you fucking bastard!" She screeches and I poke her side.
"That girl has a boyfriend. He's just taking her shopping for her boyfriends birthday."

"Oh for real?" She says in a high pitched tone.
She looks between me and Harry's amused expression.
"Eh, fuck all of you." We laugh as she flips us off and walks off.
"Let him drive your ass back to the dorm!" She screams and people stare but me and Harry are laughing way too hard to notice.

"Looks like I'm taking you home." He smirks down at me and I raise an eyebrow.
"What about the brunette?"
"We drove in separate cars."
"That's stupid."
"She hates me."
"I see."

We walk down to the food court and Harry waved goodbye to the brunette who just waves him off.

I limp/climb into his Buick and he drives off to the dorms.

(Picture of Zoe on side. Sorry this is a lame chapter lmao)

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