Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

I fumble with my hands boredly as I shift my weight in the leather seat. I'm in the waiting room at the hospital waiting to hear from Darcy's doctors or not.
I'm a wreck. My eyes are bloodshot from freaking out, and my voice is hoarse from screaming at the dumbass paramedics.
She was on the ground with blood coming out of her mouth and not moving and they think she can drive? What the actual fuck?

I fiddle with my fingers as I glance around the waiting room. I see a few old people and some kid playing on some sort of device.

The last thing I saw is they were pushing her away on a gurney. They assured me she would be fine yet I caught what they said.
Teenage female on life support.

That technically means they're fighting for her life.

It happened so damn quickly though. One minute she was fine and asleep with me stroking her smooth, cool skin, then the next she was vomiting blood and screaming from pain.

It scared me to no end honestly. I was in my own little world stroking her cheek, having her cocooned up next to made me feel so.. alive.
Only Darcy brings that feeling to me.
I've been so dull for 19 years, nearly 20 now.
She pissed me off to where I was seeing red in my vision when Mr.Andrews threw the intruder into our training room. I was ready to volunteer to give the person the consequence if it was a male. But I quickly changed my mind when I realized it was a female. But my heart dropped to my knees when that female looked up. It was the face of Darcy.

But I wasn't nearly as livid with her as I was with Adam. I saw him. He looked at her with desperate fucking need in his eyes. He wanted to have his way with her before she left after her beating.
I was powerless watching as he kicked her to a pulp. If I intervened Mr.Andrews would handle me for good. And I mean for good.

But when he was finished I knew he would try to get in her pants. If I see one person touch her I get pissed. I don't even know why.

"Mr.Styles?" A voice calls and a doctor beckons me over. I feel my heart go colder with each step I take. This is where he tells me whether my only best friend is dead or alive.

"You're for the Darcy girl correct?" He looks at me expectantly. I nod quickly.
"She is fine. We took her off life support and she was breathing perfectly fine on her own."
I let out a breath of relief I didn't realize I was holding.
"W-What was wrong then?"
"She had severe internal bleeding. We also noticed dozens and dozens of bruises covering her body and we would like to know what caused that."

Shit, I can't tell them about last night.

"S-She uh, got beat up by her ex boyfriend." I stammer out a lie.
"I see. And her current boyfriend probably stood up for her." He grins and shakes my hand. Then it hits me he's talking about me.
"No, s-see we're not-"
Laughter breaks from the doctor.
"Just friends, I get it. You can see her whenever you'd like. I've called the university and she's to take off two days. You may stay with her if you'd like, we included you in the days off."

"T-Thank you." I say quietly.
He walks off, and I stand there for another moment.
Yeah. He's right. Just friends, and nothing else.


Darcy's POV

I blink open my eyes, only to quickly shut them when a fluorescent light blinds me automatically.
I screw them shut tight, then slowly open them once more, blinking at the harsh light to grow used to it.

My eyes immediately fall on a sleeping figure beside me. I squint, as my eyes are still blurry from sleep.
The features form and its Marcel. He's fast asleep, his long brown hair falling in his face. His nostrils flare every few seconds when a light snore escapes his lips. I smile at how peaceful he looks.

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