Chapter 1: Niall Horan? (EMMA)

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A/N: This is my first fan fic SOOO...please no flames ;) love y'all!

Working as a waitress whe your 15, isnt the kinda job I imagined myself doing at such a young age, especially when I was living in Spain. But then again, My parents had died in a car crash leaving their youngest child only enough money for a plane ticket to some exotic place that they had always wanted to visit. My older sister on the other hand had gotten practically everything else, I always knew she was the favorite. And after their death, she didn't waste any time getting me emancipated so she could continue college without having to be worried about me, I mean, she always said that the best thing about college was that I wasn't there. I bet your wondering, how I even got emancipated in the first place, if I'm only 15 and my parents died about a year ago...well let's just say she has friends in high places, it also helps that her boyfriends dad happens to be a Government official...

So that's pretty much how I, Emma Higins ended up packing my bags out of Dallas, Texas and taking the only thing my parents left me to Marbella, Spain. It wasn't a bad place to be, it was sunny almost all of the time couple celebrities popped by from time to time. But then again, I wasn't here for vacationing so it wasn't as nice...

I'd gathered enough babysitting money from my younger years to be able to rent out a small one bed and bath studio apartment close to where I worked, it wasn't much but hey it was better than nothing. It helped That I was young and "penniless", that the landlord felt pity on me and had given me the appartment for less than half the price! Even though I hated when people felt sorry for me when I told them that my folks were dead, I mean, I barely noticed the difference since they almost always ignored me, I let it pass that one time.

"EMMA! We need those margaritas out NOW! Didn't you know that our special guest is coming in soon? RAPIDO!" screamed Elle, my boss and the Head manager of The Ocean Club in Marbella. I snapped out of my daydream as I hurriedly replied back," Si, Si, I'm getting them!" and ran out of the kitchen before she could kill me.

I stepped out into the sun and tried not to feel sad as I whizzed through the crowd of swimsuit clad bodies. I wished that someday I'd be chilling in the pool while someone else would be getting me a drink, not the other way around. I skillfully made my way through the mass of people, saying things like"excuse me, coming through!" until I made my way to the assigned table. I tried to ignore all the shocked stares when they saw a 15 year old girl serving them margaritas.

"Will that be all?" I asked my voice cheerful, even though all I wanted to do was punch the girl.

"uh...yeah...but arent you a little young to be working here?" a snobby red head asked me, staring at me from above her hot pink Gucci sunglasses.

I glanced down at my loose white waitress uniform and written over converses and looked her in the eye and said, "Yes, yes I am." before turning around and stalking towards the kitchen.

I mean she wasn't the only one who asked. I remember when Elle first saw me, she literally burst out laughing when I told her I wanted the job then looked concerned when she figured I was serious. I told her how I was emancipated and what not and how I was technically an adult and how this job was my only option other than the strip club a couple blocks down. And I really don't think they'd hire someone who's barely a c-cup and has no experience what so ever. She decided to give me a chance and sooner or later I was one of her top servers. Being small had its perks . But I hated when people treated me like a kid. I mean, I may have dropped out of school and lost my parents but I knew a whole lot more about life than they did. I knew how to survive. I bet Gucci Sunglasses didn't even know what that word meant.

So i walked back into the kitchen to get my second round of margaritas when I heard a couple of the other waitresses talking about the special guest. And being the curious teen I was I decided it wouldn't hurt to snoop around a bit.

"I heard he's Really famous, supposed to be some teen heart throb" said one of them, the brunette.

"ooh la la, teen heart throb, Evangeline, you better not tell Marco about this, you know how he gets." Said the blond one to the brunette, Evangeline.

"oh Serena, forget Marco, this special guest is also supposed to be mucho caliente ;)! He's part Irish you know, I guess you can tell with his name being -" Evangeline began, but I couldn't here the rest, thanks to Elle yelling at me again as I quickly made my way outside. Hmmm...a famous pop star Irish teen heart throb, I mean, even though I don't really have to keep up with the trend, sexy pop stars with hot accents have always been a weakness of mine. Too bad I didn't get his name, but I bet it was something sexy too. Sexy AND exotic, with this mystery guy being Irish and all.

I was so caught up in my day dreams that I didn't even notice where I was going and it didn't take long for me to crash into something, or should I say someone. I slipped and the entire tray full of margaritas crashed to the floor, but not before staining the poor somebodys entire body.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Its totally my f-" I began as I hurriedly tried to clean It up but my mouth dropped when I saw who I had crashed into.

"it's okay. Here let me help you with that," he said with a lilting Irish accent, "I'm Niall Horan, and you are?" he asked, looking at me with those beautiful bright blue eyes.

It didn't take long before the room started to spin and I hit the floor with a sickening thump. the last thing I saw where those brillant blue eyes staring at me with concern, before everything went black.


So this is my first fanficition and I would love to know what y'all think! I love your feedback so let me know :) It wi ll be mulit chapter and I will try to update every other week or so and YES the chapters will get a lot longer from here on out! :)

BEING EMANCIPATED is when your underage but are considered an adult, you have all the rights of an 18 year old. However, it's really hard to do so and you have to be at least 16. Emma is 15, but since her sister has friends in high places she was an exception.

Just thought I'd clear that up for those who were wondering,

-Margorette (my pen name)

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