Chapter 4- "I guess I'm taking care of her?" (NIALL)

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Chapter 4: I guess I'm taking care of her ;)


"Yes,Emma Higgins, Yes I am." The words came out of my mouth, clearer and louder than I'd imagined and it seemed that she noticed too. Her little body stiffened under mine for a second, before she plunged her head into my shoulder again.

I don't know how I came into holding her so close, but when she began having another one of her cute panic attacks and blaming everything on herself, I just couldn't...stop myself. Before I knew it, she was in my arms, both of us tangled in the sheets of her hospital bed.

It was different. I swear, id think that she'd push me away but no, she pulled me closer instead. This girl, she was, she'd been through a lot it seems. I mean, not every day do you meet a 15 year old who lives by themselves in Spain. I wonder how she even got emancipated.

She shifted under me and for once I could probably see her face. I didn't know she'd been crying but when I saw her blotchy face, my hand involuntarily flew up cupping her cheek, wiping away the tears. She was just as shocked as I was, and I quickly stumbled away from her.

Her mouth was still wide open, as I clumsily stood up away from her hospital bed, cursing under my breath as the sheets caught on my legs and I almost tripped. I hope she didn't notice, but then again I'm Irish so it's only natural.

"Um...alright...I guess...well the

Nurse left you your clothes it seems," I said awkwardly, motioning to a pile of clothes neatly folded next to the chair I was sitting in, just noticing it. "So ill go in the front and see if all your paperwork is in order, and you can change. Ill be back to drive you home." I smiled at her, and she nodded before I turned around and walked out the door.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hand graze her cheek, a blush spreading across her face.

---------A LITTLE BIT LATER----------

(Still Nialls POV)

I'd left the hospital room as quickly as I could after my misshapen escape from her wild bedsheets. God, was that awkward. I'd made my way to the reception lady, telling her that it had all been arranged and that Emma was going to go home with me. She was a bit wary, I mean, I was 19 and Emma was just 15, and we both could be taken as the stereotypical hormonal teenagers and she the underage victim. It could very well happen, if I wasn't Niall Horan, the "innocent" part of One Direction and she wasnt Emma Higgins, the girl who yelled at me just at the sight of my face. However, when she realized who I was and the rare likeliness that it would ever happen, she let herself relax a bit and simply asked to see some I.D .A few signatures were exchanged, some more paperwork filled out, and BOOM, I was the "guardian" of Emma Higgins for the next week or so.  

I really didn't know how to feel about the whole thing, it's one thing to care for your girl friend or some girl you picked up at the bar, and even though I was at a club when I met Emma, she was young enough to be my sister! Things could get weird really fast, especially when she realizes who I am. Oh god, what if she turned into one of those crazy,obsessed, fangirls who write fanfictions about me and the lads doing sometimes unimaginable things?! "No, no, niall, you're over thinking this. Calm down and pay attention to the task at hand" my wise non-19year old conscience said. Really though, I thought as I looked up at the sun through my rayban shades, the heat might begin to get me too. 

I had been leaning against the door of my car, right behind the hospital, so that no one knew I was there. My car was pretty recognizable, after all, it's not everyday you see a black range rover worth £70,000 ($1,050,609) just sitting there underneath the Spanish sun. It was like me, always under disguise. The license was changed everytime I traveled somewhere so I didn't get mobbed by fans or Paparazzi. The windows were darkly tinted and the car itself was a midnight black. It was one of the most luxurious things I owned. I was also donning a purple vans cap and one of my extensive collection of Rayban sunglasses, that kept most of my face invisible, cause the last thing I needed was a stray nurse or doctor to walk outside and have a heart attack just cause I'm there. I know I'm not as famous as Harry but some people have some really strong reactions whenever they do meet me. And as I recall, the ER was packed and I doubt, I wanted to be the reason of any more mischief.  

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