Chapter 2- "A girl faints for me... again!" (NIALL)

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"Yes Mom, I'm wearing sunscreen and I will call you if anything happens. Okay, Love you, bye. " I finished my call with my Mom and smiled at how weird it was that, even though I was 19 and an international famous popstar I called my mom. I mean, most 19 year olds would rather die than call their moms to tell them what they are doing in Spain. But I was different. My mom and I had a special bond and no amount of money could change it. And I couldn't imagine my life without that.

As I made my way to the swimming pools in the Ocean Club in Marbella, I saw a bunch of bikini clad girls looking my way and giggling as they saw my staring back. I smiled at them, when really I wish they wouldn't fan girl over me so much. I mean our band, One Direction, was much applauded for our brilliant music and for bloody good looks. meaning that teen girls worldwide dream of meeting us..some MORE than me, it puts the lads and I in a very awkward position when we read the fan fics and stuff, don't get me wrong most of them are BLOODY brilliant but some are just a bit...creepy.

Anyway, I walked past the girls and out into the sun-only to crash into someone and have then spill a whole bunch of alcohol onto me. I cursed under my breath and tried to calm down the poor woman...or should I say girl?

"I'm so sorry! It's completely my fa-" she began as she tried to clean up the mess. Damn, she was beautiful. With her brown hair messily tied up in a bun and those chocolate warm brown eyes, Sure she lacked the curves and what not, but she had this wonderful innocence about her that I couldnt ignore. But maybe that explains why she also looks so young! She couldn't be older than 16. It was obvious that she worked here, thanks to her worn down loose uniform. (Aren't there rules or something for the age when you have to work?) And she obviously valued her job very much by the way she was frantically trying to pick up the glass pieces, almost cutting herself in the process.

"It's okay, here let me help you with that." I said and just couldn't stop from introducing myself. "Hi, I'm Niall Horan and you are?" I couldn't help from my Irish accent slipping in a bit.

She finally looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and-surprise, surprise- froze like she was a deer in the headlights. I internally grimaced, great another obsessed fan. I almost turned away, but then she did something completely unexpected, she fainted right in front of me and thank god I was there to catch her, otherwise she would've had a rather nice bump. I looked at her with concern written all over my face and then she blacked out right in my arms.

"Um hello?" I asked stupidly as I tried to shake her awake. God, she was some fan, and a seriously good actor. I was willing to just leave her there, i mean, this isnt the first time something like this ever happened to me, and thank god it wasnt becuz this girl better not be playing. But before i left her there and just to be sure, I touched her forehead only to find it burning hot. Shit, she really did faint, not because of me and my stardom because she was sick.

"SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!" I yelled as I cradled this unknown beauty in my arms. She looked so delicate and fragile, screw the world, i was gonna make sure nothing happened to her.

And when I say nothing, I mean it.

-Later At The Hospital-

(still Nialls POV :)

I had been in the emergency room for about 2 hours since they took the unknown girl inside. Thanks to me being a famous celebrity I was able to pull some strings so that she could get immediate care. I mean really, I d never seen someone be that hot...not like that, but just that her temperature was dangerously high. The Ocean Club Manager, Elle Martita, had told me that I didn't have to stay, that I had done enough by staying by the girls side inside the ambulance and what not. But I refused to move, it wasn't just because this girl was so

Damn pretty but because she looked alone, turns out she was because there was no family or guardian member here in Spain, something about being emancipated, I couldn't tell, maybe this girl would answer my questions.

"Mr. Niall Horan?" the doctor asked as she walked from behind the doors. Finally, I thought as I immediately replied, "Yes, that's me."

"Ms. Higins is now awake would you like to see her?" She asked not once looking up from her clipboard. Typical doctor, not caring much other than the patient itself.

"Yes please." I replied just as she turned around and motioned for me to follow. I followed the doctor, Mrs. Carlisle, I knew that because when she stopped to let a gurney pass us by I read her name tag, through the white sterile hallways until we stopped in front of room 202, which I guessed was the room.

"I'll have the paperwork ready at the front whenever you guys are done. Will it be cash or credit?" she asked for once looking at me in the eye, "credit" I said automatically and she nodded her head and then turned around and scurried down to who knees where in this huge hospital.

I opened the door to room 202 and found a nurse just leaving the room.

"Oh you must be Niall Horan, I'm Ms. Higins nurse." she said and I shook her outstretched hand as I tried to get a glimpse of this Ms. Higins over Her shoulder. "Emma is fine, just a small heat stroke, but she needs to stay out of the sun and not get stressed out because she is still recovering. So please make sure she gets home safe and sound, her condition is still a bit fragile. I will have the discharge papers ready at the front desk." with that final note she exited the room, leaving me and "Emma" alone. So Emma Higins, cute name, obviously American, but innocent and beautiful just like her. The ideal name.

I walked around the bed and sat down in a chair right next to it. I finally got a good look at her. She was sleeping, her brown hair, not in a bun anymore, lay flowing on her pillow. Her eyes were closed and she looked completely fine and peaceful except for the fact that she was hooked up to an IV.

I found myself staring at her, not even realizing it until she woke up and looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"What are you staring at?" she asked in alarm and i realized that this was probably the most she had ever said to me.

"You." I said and grinned as her face turned red.

"Um..W-w-who are y-you?" she asked trying to change the subject obviously flustered with my remark.

I smirked but then I couldnt help but state in shock when I realized she really didn't know who I was.

"wait you dont know who I am?" I asked in awe. I mean, I know I shouldn't expect EVERYONE to know my name but I guess I just assumed that they did.

"No I don't know who you are and will you stop looking at me like that!" she said and I could see the annoyance flash in her eye but then again I could also see her eyes glancing at me every few seconds.

I knew I was just that hot.

" like what?", I teased. It really still did shock me that she didn't know who I was.

Oh, this would be a great story to tell the lads. I could only imagine how shocked Louis would be when I told him I'd met someone who didn't know what One Direction was. He'd probably demanding to know who that person was so he could go hunt them down and introduce himself.

"like THAT!" she said exasperated, knocking me out of my daydream, and turning around so now that I faced the back of her blanket. By golly, she really didn't know who I was.

This was gonna be fun. 


I know it's an abrupt ending but I tried to make it longer, hopefully I did its just that I'm really tired :P so I'll try to update ASAP! No promises though...REVIEW!'love y'all!

Oh and I don't know If I have to do a disclaimer or something but here's mine



If I did, me and Louis would already be making beautiful babies ;) and Niall would be the God Uncle :D


Margo :)

P.S: Leave a comment below and I'll update faster and send you a cookie in the shape of a heart... nah jk I can't bake even if my life depended on it! STILL I love to hear what y'all think about my writing :)

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