Chapter 3 - Blonde Boy (EMMA)

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I woke up to sterile fluorescent lighting and the steady beeping of a heart monitor, not to mention, the sight of a giant needle stuck in my arm and a flow of clear liquid entering my body.

And they say I shouldn't be afraid of hospitals. Go figure.

On the other hand, my very bones ached and trust me this wasn't just a simple I-worked-overtime-again kinda ache but the kind of pain that clouds your vision and makes you wish you were a potato, literally. It was like I had been doused in fire and then my head had been viciously submerged into the Arctic Ocean. It throbbed incessantly and the bright lighting wasn't helping much.

Neither was the extremely attractive blond boy staring at me with a look of wonder.

My eyes widened as I realized that he was looking at me, or so it seemed like. It seemed that I always just had to restate the obvious.

"What are you staring at?" I asked in alarm and part stupidity. I really hoped he didn't hear the idiocricy in my voice.

If he did, well he was incredibly good at hiding it. But he just shot me a crooked grin and said truthfully, "You" The blush that tainted my cheeks was almost inevitable and I tried furiously to hide the effect he was having on me. If it was anyone else id probably slap them, as I didn't accept compliments very well because in the past they were always a tease, a taunt. However the way he said it, I almost felt beautiful for once.

No Bad Emma, snap out of it, he's just an unknown boy who could simply just try to take advantage out of you, STOP THINKING ABOUT THE WAYS YOU COULD FRENCH KISS HIM

French kiss? Okay this was definitely not me, I must've gotten hurt pretty bad if I was thinking like this about a guy I barely know, even though his face seemed vaguely familiar. Like a shadow you can never seem to catch.

"Um..W-w-who are y-you?" I asked trying to change the subject , mentally slapping myself as my mouth stuttered.

He smirked that annoying smirk of his and looked at me with a knowing eye which then changed into a state of shock as he realized that I really didn't know who he was. Surprise, surprise, I bet. I'd never seen him in my life before and if I had I'm pretty sure I'd remember a face like that. And with eyes like his, they're hard to forget.

I waited for his answer, my head getting more agitated by the second, by the end of this conversation I'm afraid I'd get a brain tumor.

"wait you dont know who I am?" He finally asked in awe. I mean, it sounded like he'd never come across someone who didn't know who he was. Such a friggin snob, if I wasn't as weak as I was I'd smack him upside the head in annoyance. (Actually I don't think I'd be able to actually do that, it's just the migraine talking...)

"No I don't know who you are and will you stop looking at me like that!" i snapped, my headache killing most of the patience I'd ever have left. Hopefully, he could sense the annoyance in my voice.

I may sound annoyed but despite my headache I couldn't stop from checking him out from the corner of my eye once in a while, praying he wouldn't notice. I don't think I could handle it if his head got any bigger.

Well I'm probably one of least smoothest people alive, so no surprise when he noticed that I was sorta checking him out and he had the nerve to reply "like what?" In that teasing, flirtatious, voice that made me tingle all over. Ugh dammit, this boy has turned everything upside down. Oh goodness, My headache was already horrible.

"like THAT!" i said exasperated and turned around so now that he faced the back of my blanket. It wasnt that I didn't like him it's just that my migraine was really a pain in the ass, and mentally I wasn't ready for a hot boy to stare at me as I slept. It was probably very rude of me to turn my back towards his face, but I couldn't stare at him any longer without getting this pleasant shiver, this slight tingling in my heart- well you get my point. What could I do? He was gorgeous. Absolutely magnificent. And his voice was like crisp apples and caramel, sharp and sweet. I could only imagine the way it would sound if a voice like that was screaming my na- OKAY these drugs they were feeding me were finally taking their toll.

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