Chap 18 quick facts

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Guys heres some quick facts about girls these apply to the majority of girls except for the "select few"

•girls are drama but always be on her side Never side with the person shes trash talking unless you have a really good reason

•she can never be perfect and she will hate that But you can make her feel beautiful and perfect just treat her right

•girls judge more than they compliment just except that fact cause its not gonna change girls can be very critical

•girls talk and question a lot especially if your kind a dick then they question alot more

•girls hold back a lot so just be. Patient

•girls dont really stop to think about what they're saying so just realize that they can be very Critical

•girls are fashion queens even if they're tomboys and you will end up shopping with them

•girls are procrastinators haha so just Be patient

•girls go through so much more Than guys so just be There for your girl

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