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After we've exchanged our final goodbyes,my mother walks off outside the lobby and drives off into her car,heading straight home. I take my luggages and head inside the elevator as I see the attractive,brown haired boy in my sights again. "Where to?" He innocently smiles. Wow,he really is that cute.

"10th floor." I quietly respond.

"Really? Guess we're going on the same floor then." He chuckles. The brown haired boy presses the button,as I impatiently wait to go into my room and avoid to engage any conversation with him whatsoever. As if I ran out of my luck,he does.

"What's your name? I'm Dylan." He introduces with a smile as he offers me a handshake.

"Vienna...Listen,I don't want to be rude and all,but I'm just really looking forward to go to my room and I don't even want to bother trying to get in any contact with you whatsoever. Sorry,I'm just really tired." I quickly respond.

"Uh..that's cool,I guess." The elevator finally reaches at the top floor and I rush out of the door as I quickly try to find my room without getting bothered by him ever again. But to my surprise,he comes towards to my direction which alarms me in a very unusual act to defend myself. "May you please stop following me? I know we just met and all,but stalking me isn't a very a good choice to a person whom you've just met a minute ago."

Dylan shoots me a confusing face before realizing on what he was just about to say. "Wait you think I'm stalking you? Why would you even think that?" He questions.

"Well,for starters,you live on the same floor as me and your walking in the same direction as I am,so I definitely do think you're completely stalking me in a very suspicious way." I fire back. He opens his mouth on wanting to say something but closes it and gives me a simple look by raising his eyebrow at me.

"Well you're wrong. I actually live next door to you. Sorry if that disappoints you. But hereby I have proven that I am no stalker." He smirks. Much to my embarrassment,I give him a small "o" and slip in my key card,stumbling in the room as fast as I can to avoid the humiliation I have brought myself upon a stranger with amazingly looking brown hair and a drop dead gorgeous smile that's willing to make any girl weak on their knees for him.

I plop myself on the couch and cover my face with a pillow filling myself with shame and guilt. There goes my hypothetic intelligence for "good" use,now. A soft knock places on my front door as I open it and reveal to see the boy I've embarrassed in front of myself yet again.

"You're probably new here,would you mind if I show you around?" He offers. It's a bit astonishing on how we both just met in the elevator and all of a sudden he offers to show me around?

"No,thank you. For all I know,you could probably be an axe murderer,or something. Can't trust guys with a killer smile and who offers strange girls to tour around a big hotel with a secret basement to hide bodies in." I nonchalantly reply.

"You pretty much have been thinking through this whole thing since you've arrived here,right? Can't be able to blame you right there."

"Yeah,and make sure don't try to even bother me ever again or even try to waste your time on me. It's not worth it." I fake smile.

"You know,you seem pretty uptight considering we just met,right? I'm not looking for any trouble."

"Yet." I reply back harshly. I close the door on him and begin to unpack my things as I get settled in my new room. There was no way I would even let him hang around me the whole day,trying to pull a move and thinking I would instantly be head over heels for him. I know it seems pretty forward on what I'm thinking,but it's kind of weird on how strange guys would offer random tours like that. I would understand if he worked here,but the way he dresses would definitely not be a tour guide friendly type of guy.

Now that I think about it,I'm beginning to realize on how alone I'll be without a mother to argue with or talk to. I should be able to try and meet new other people,besides the boy next door who I definitely would not be happy to see again. It seems like there aren't many high school students participating a job here in a hotel filled with a whole load of guests,waiting to be served and respected. But right now,I am willing to focus on my job and get all of my work done finished before summer ends and attending university that will take place in a few months.

My stomach starts to grumble in a loud noise,showing me signs of hunger and my craving for pizza waiting to give in. I order pizza on my phone as I turn on the TV,distracting me from the horrible noises coming from my stomach,aching to have some food within me.

My mind starts to wander off as I think about that Dylan kid,again. There was something about him that I was so interested in him. Despite his whole flirtatious attitude, that I have seen as he walked inside that lobby which made him to my utter disgust on the reason why many boys don't have an decency for women. Now,I'm not saying that all men are humiliating and full of disgust,just the ones who don't have full respect for themselves or to others.

Why was he even so interested in taking me out anyways? I bet he does that with all the girls who are new around here. Wait a minute...If he's so willingly to show me around the hotel,then how would he know anything about this gigantic place? That could only mean one thing...He works here.

As much as I hate to find out the possibility of him working here aggravates me,I don't even want to even bother about working with him. He's too full of himself,catches every girl's eye and uses them probably,and maybe even slacks whenever he wants to by using his charm to get out of things that he doesn't even want to do.

All I do know,is that there is never going to be a day I will fall in love with him,even if he does find a way how.

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