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Dylan's POV.

I accidentally bumped my head as I try to crawl back under the front desk.


"Hey man, you alright?" I turn around to see lanky boy Mitch behind me trying to offer me help. "Uh, no. I'm fine, I just needed to get these extra envelopes for the mail room. But no worries, I got them." I wave the envelopes in the air.

"Sure, no problem." He smiles. "But uh, hey, may I ask you something? If you don't mind?"

"Okay?" I ask.

Mitch takes in a deep sigh before he has the chance to recollect his thoughts. "What were you and Vienna talking about last night? I saw you follow her into the elevator."

I chuckle at Mitch's absurd question, thinking he deserves on what he needs to go on both of our lives, especially Vienna. "Listen, Mitch. Why do you care? Are you guys...together?" He nervously chuckles and pushes his hair back.

"Uh...sadly, no. We both made it official last night that us going out last night wasn't going to be a date. I'm just concerned about her, that's all."

I become puzzled by his answer. "Excuse me, but I don't think Vienna needs someone to protect her, besides, she can protect herself."

"You mean, she can protect herself or you're going to be there to protect her?" He looks at me sternly. I chuckle at his brave response, knowing that there is no way this guy believes he knows everything about me. Including my own personal feelings for this girl with a bitchy attitude.

"Because, she did tell me about things on the way you treat her. It seems like you hate her more than you care about her. So, there won't be any way she can return those feelings back." He states slyly. These two do deserve each other, both irritating as hell.

Besides, the way we nearly kissed last night and our first kiss from a day before shouldn't really matter. I needed to find out the second time why I was having those weird feelings after we shared that kiss two nights ago. I still think that girl Vienna is nothing but uptight, and if me attempting to kiss her last night would make her think about me in a different way, I'd be glad to reject her for the very first time.

"Look, I don't know what crazy ideas she put inside your head, but you have to know, nothing is going on between me and her. Besides, just fooling around with her is the only thing I do best when it comes to girls, right?" Mitch takes a step forward and we're suddenly interrupted by Lindsey.

"Boys. Is there something wrong? We need some help in the back to receive those packages of extra soaps for the rooms on the fifth floor." Lindsey signals the both of us from our heated argument to go outside and pick up those packages.

Mitch mutters under his breath about something I can't be able to make out. Whatever this guy has a grudge on me about according to what Vienna said about me, he can try to leave me out of it for all I care. I don't care about this rude, obnoxious girl who thinks she can badmouth me to this guy who has a complete crush on her like a little school boy.

As we walk towards the exit from the back of the building, Vienna comes out of the other door from upstairs and instantly stops in her tracks when she sees Mitch and I together.

"Hey, Vienna." Mitch smiles.


"Are you coming to help us with those boxes? Or not?" He asks nervously.

Honestly, the more I see him trying to talk to her makes me want to vomit if I get to stay here longer than I'm supposed to be staying here. "Can we all please just go? This conversation is making me sick." Vienna and Mitch look at me confusingly as my revealing distaste for flirting was shown by Mitch's inability on learning how to flirt with girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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