Chapter 1

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I walked into school happy it was my last year of torture and bullying. I am a senior and applied to colleges to get away from my hateful family as well.
My name is Alexis Zoe Smith and I just turned eighteen and started senior year at Franklin High. I have been bullied since kindergarten and it got worse as I went higher in grades.

At first I told my parents,siblings and teachers but nothing got done. My parents work alot and told me to deal and grow a back bone. My siblings just laughed at me and the teachers always smiled sadly and looked the other way. What the fuck did I do besides be the quiet girl. I tried to stay in the shadows and hidden but bullies always found me and everyday at school I was tortured.

I was teased for being to skinny, hair to long or being to short.
I sighed and headed to English class. I sat in the back and so did the four bad boys of the school.
Scott Franklin, Steven Anderson, Seth Greyson and last but not least Dean Smithson my worst bully. I use to crush on him till he knocked me down and yelled I was a stalker. I went home crying and my family just laughed at me. They always laughed and I was told either stand up for myself or fall down and stay down. Life for me sucked and I saw no end in sight.

After that I just stop talking to everyone but the teachers. I answered questions and stayed silent. I had seven months to go and I would be free of them all. I got a full ride with room in board far from this hell. I repeated seven months like a mantra causeconce I graduated I was gone and never coming back.

I sat in my seat as the four walked in laughing and heading my way. I put my head down and kept my purplish eyes downward. I never looked up anymore and I never talked selective mutism was better then being treated like shit.

Mrs. Landon walked in and started talking about a five group project. He called every group out and I got stuck with Seth, Steven, Scott and Dean. My eyes filled with fear as I looked up at the teacher and gulped. Why would she do this she knows they all hate me.

Dean chuckled as he saw my reaction. He looked amused as I hid behind my long hair using it like a curtain to hide my pain. Pain this fucked up school caused by allowing me to be bullied everyday.

"great stuck with nerd girl at least she is smart", he mumbled. That hurt.

I sighed and looked down as the four surrounded me. I prayed I would make it out alive. I was listening and taking notes as Mrs. Landon told us the project was on each others lives,hobbies, and goals for the future. Great I wasn't about to disclose my plans I just wanted out no matter what. The sooner I could leave the better off I will be.

Great I got stuck with bullies and players. Bullies part of the reason I went mute. I got pushed around and hit because Dean outed me as his stalker. He is the reason I was pushed down a flight of stairs his ex wanted me to learn my place.

A girl who I didn't know scoffed as she yelled out I was a sorry loser and she should be with the four. I didn't react I never did I stayed quiet and hidden.

Mrs. Landon smiled and told her to shut up or fail. I kept my head down as she gave us details and examples. Moments later a questionnaire was passed out and the last thirty minutes was the groups working together. Thirty minutes that dragged on forever as the guys kept stealing glances at her.

I felt myself shaking as the guys scooted closer and asked each other the questions. I shoved my arms sleeves up and forgot I had bruises from many bully encounters. I wrote my name and took a deep breath. I wasn't prepared for him to notice but he should know why I'm marked up it is his doing not physically but his word marked my fate. Ever since him yelling I was a stalker my life has been pure hell.

"nerd what the fuck are those?", Dean asked darkly. I just sat there frozen in fear.

I froze as I looked at my arms. Looking up four pairs of eyes took in my dark bruising. this can't happen I won't say not here.

I shoved my sleeves down and looked at the paper.

"n-nothing...I-I f-fell".

"bullshit", Dean said grabbing my upper arm causing me to hiss in pain and whimper softly in agony. I was sore everywhere and I was extremely bruised up just about all over. I was hit at home by my sister and older brother and pushed me down the steps at school. They hated me for some unknown reason.

"please let go it hurts", I whisper loud enough for him to hear.
He looks at his hand on my upper arm and then to my face. He lets go quick and I shrink down in my seat.

I cringe and avoid their eyes.
He lets go and moves closer.
"your going to tell me who does it and show me your arms".

I look into his dark eyes and he looks pissed. Scott scoots closer and whispers to Seth and Steven.

After this class was lunch and with time ticking down my nervousness escalated. My hand shook as I wrote on my questionnaire.

Dean's big hand rested on my shaky one. I felt so much fear as my heart rate picked up. Tears filled my eyes as I kept my head down.

The others kept talking as I sat there quiet.

"don't run after class Alexis we will hunt you down if we need to".

I just nodded and my shaking got worse I didn't want any of this I just wanted to get through my seven months.

Seven months then I'm gone.

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