Chapter 3

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Alexis slept for awhile and I constantly checked on her. We all sat talking till my phone dinged. I got a long text from Mark about the little lady sleeping in my bed. I checked her bruises and she didn't budge one bit. She looked awful like she hasn't been sleeping good.

Dude got the info. Her parents work all the time and she is stuck at home with an older brother and sister both hate your girl and hurt her. Their names are Mitch and Suzie. She is also bullied bad by Jessie your ex. She pushed her down the steps at school two days ago. That is all I found today and I can keep digging if you want. She just turned eighteen a day ago and is planning on leaving after high school. Hit me up later I may have more for you.

"fuck me", I seethed getting up I paced and fisted my hair. Those fuckers were messing with the wrong girl.

"dude who does it", Seth asked getting up.

"her brother, sister and my fucking ex Jessie. She has plans to leave once we graduate in June".

"damn man that blows", Scott said tugging at his hair.

"we should pay them a visit later", Steven said looking up at me. Yeah we should but first I want her to answer some things. I want yo know why she hasn't got help.

"we should but first that little beauty needs rest and her ribs looked at. My ex pushed her down the stairs at school two days ago. She may have broken ribs and we need to have her checked. She also needs to eat".

Jessie was a thorn in my side and she was constantly being a bitch. She hurt Alexis and for some reason that pissed me off. I was more pissed about Jessie pushing her cause it could of snapped her neck especially if she hits wrong.

"do you have any Tylenol?", a soft voice broke me out of my mental rant and I turned towards her. She was holding her side and wincing.

"yeah kitten, Seth said smiling, let me get it while you sit down".

She sat as he ran off. She wouldn't look at us and all of our eyes remained on the beauty sitting on my couch. She looks scared but still tired and I began to worry why is she exhausted.

I sat beside her and she blushed. Scott watched as she winced and moved tenderly. She was hurting really bad and for the first time I was scared for her.

Alexis looked around my livingroom and gaped at my hundred inch flat screen. I chuckled softly as she stared at it. She looked like she would love to watch something on it and I could picture us snuggled so doing that. A big soft blanket and her head on my chest.

"so someone had a birthday a day ago".

Her face paled before heating up. She thanked Seth as he handed her two pills and a glass of water. She took her pills and drank slowly. We needed her to tell us why she was was bruised up and why her parents didn't know or if they did why the fuck they didn't step in.

"so kitten, I began drawing her gorgeous eyes my way, who beats you up and why are you not reporting them?".

She gulped.

"we know who so save any lies and just tell us why we had the videos pulled from the schools cameras so don't try to lie".

She sagged as if the weight of the world just hit her shoulders.

"my older brother and sister do it. I tried to tell mom and dad but they don't believe me so I gave up. I am just trying to finish school so I can leave for college and never look back. I fell down the steps at school two days ago because of Jessie I think but I swear I think I tripped I am clumsy. I fall a lot even alone".

"bullshit we know Jessie pushed you so stop acting like you fell by accident".

"No I swear Dean I do trip a lot it felt like I tripped I'm not trying to cover for her. If anything she tripped me cause I thought I felt a foot before I fell ",she said wringing her hands

She shrank back and looked down. She was so fucking fragile. Fuck me I wanted to shield her from everything.  I felt a surge of anger hit and I needed to fight.

"I don't know why they beat me its been going on since kindergarten with Jessie but six years with my siblings and they won't stop so I guess I...just...I...".

Her words stop as tears fill her sad eyes and then slip down her cheeks. Seth squats down and takes her small hands in his. He is more gentle then I ever seen as he hugs her and pats her back.

She sobs softly as we all watch her small frame shake. I take her into my lap and further into my heart. I let her burrow into my body as she yawns. She hisses as pain snakes up her side after moving wrong.

I get up holding her and carry her to my ride. Placing her in the others get in and off we go towards the hospital. I carry her in and we take a number at the emergency room department.

She sighs sadly but doesn't protest as I sit holding her in my lap. She dozes while we wait to be seen.

Seth smiles at me holding my girl and plays on his phone. Yeah I said my girl. I may get rid of my current girl cause she isn't faithful at all.

Just have to get her to agree being mine but first we need her healthy and not beat up.

"number thirty", a voice says loudly.

"that's us kitten", I say standing up still holding her

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