Chapter 4

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I carry Alexis and follow the nurse to a room. I sit her on the bed and sit beside her. She tells the nurse someone beat her up and she was pushed down steps at school. I told her to tell the truth and we would have her back no matter what.

They ask if she knows who and she stops talking. A doctor comes in and looks at all her bruises and pushes on her ribs causing her to cry out. I balled up my fist but refrain from hitting him.
He looks worried as she lays there in pain and tears fall.

"who hurt you Miss. Smith?"

She won't look up but answers.
"my siblings and a bully at school".

He sighs and calls for the nurse.
After ordering xrays and bloodwork he leaves. They give her better pain meds and she sleeps while I text the guys and sit with her. She doesn't wake even when the xray technician comes and rolls her bed over to their department. She is still out but I won't leave her. I sit outside waiting till they are done and we start our journey back to her room.

She sleeps on while we wait and soon the doctor comes in and I wake her gently. She sits up and yawns. The stuff they gave her really packs a punch cause she was out for awhile. She looks so cute being all sleepy trying to focus on what the doctor says.

"you have broken ribs Alexis and need bed rest for a month. Plus your bloodwork came back and your anemic to. I perscribed pain meds and iron pills plus I got a note for your school. No doing anything for a month till your healed. We also notified the police and a officer is outside to take a report and get pictures of all your injuries. We can have a nurse do the pictures if that makes you more comfortable".

Alexis sighed wearily and nodded.

"so sweetie any questions about all I told you?"

"no thanks I understand".

He leaves and the young cop comes in. He looks at my girl longer then I am comfortable with and she tells him all of what, who and where. He writes it all down then tells her he needs pictures.

"either I can do it honey or a nurse can", he says licking his lips. Fuck off duck a female can do no way was I letting him see her naked.

"a nurse", I growl as I stand up and push her call button. A nurse comes in and we step out while she takes pictures and comes out. I hurry in to a crying Alexis. I pull her in my arms and kiss her head. I stroke her back and try to comfort her.

"its okay kitten I got you now".
She sobs and clutches at me.
I guess she is embarrassed about everyone knowing but I rather her be safe then abused.

She wipes her face and moves back from me. I cup her face and wipe the remaining tears away.

The cops clears his throat as I kiss her cheek causing her to blush. He looks annoyed but oh well fucker.

"I got all I need to arrest the assailants. I suggest you get a restraining order against them and a protection order. I will also suggest since your eighteen you move out if you have a place to go. I can recommend an abuse shelter".

Alexis sighs sadly and nods.

"she is moving in with me", I speak up fast.

"and who are you to her", he ask smugly while sizing me up.

"her boyfriend", I grit out while looking at him daring him to say otherwise.

Alexis stays quiet till he leaves and I look at her shocked face and chuckle.

"sorry kitten I know you don't like me but that dick was trying to hit on you and it pissed me off. You can stay with me from now on".

"and who might you be?", a deep voice says. It's my dad looking at us while he stands in the doorway.

"hi father", Alexis says looking scared.

"I am her boyfriend", I reply back letting my anger show towards him. He ignores me and looks at his daughter.

"your mother is packing your stuff and I will have it dropped off wherever you want. Please drop the charges against your brother and sister Alexis your gonna ruin their lives over this".

I stand up and tower over him and pull Alexis in my arms.

"ruin their lives your kids have been beating her up for over six years and you and your wife let it happen even after she told you. I suggest you leave now or I make you".

Alexis is sobbing again as he glares at us before looking at her with disgust.

"he can have you Alexis don't ever come back. I am so glad your sorry pathetic ass will be gone. Your weak and in our family we need strong".

He leaves and she begins to sob louder.
"kitten its gonna be fine we will take care of you now".

She just nods as her sobs continue. I text Seth and ask him to take my vehicle to get her things from her address. He replies back and I get on the bed with my girl. I pull her in my lap and rub her back gently.

She cries herself to sleep and I lay her down. Her phone dings and I try not to growl and wake her up as I read it.

Hope your happy you bitch your mother just watched your siblings get arrested for domestic abuse. I will wire money into your account but we don't want you anymore so don't come home.
Your other boyfriends got all your stuff so we are done with you forever. Watch yourself cause I will get them off and I can't guarantee they won't come after you.

Have fun with your fucking boyfriend slut.

I shut her phone off and put it back. She can read it later at home.

Not gonna hide anything from her cause she deserves the truth from here on out.

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