Chapter 1: You're...Happy?

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"Get up before I slap the sleep right outta your head!" Mrs. Reed yelled coldly standing at the side of my bed. "There are visitors coming today, so make yourself somewhat presentable. I know it's hard." I sit up as I bit back a sarcastic reply, knowing that if I said it, she might really slap me. She's only slapped me once or twice but I don't want to make it  a third time. 
"Visitors?" I ask curiously, getting my hopes a little too high. Maybe they'll want to adopt an older kid like me unlike all the others who head immediately to the younger ones. She snorted.
"They're 4 young men. They'll never go for a slut like you." I flinched at her words, trying to act like they didn't bother me, but failing miserably. She laughed and walked towards the door.
"Be ready in ten minutes." She called over her shoulder, slamming the door behind her.
I lived in a pretty nice orphanage, but with horrible people. Mrs. Reed was a perfect example of this. I looked around my bedroom and I get up and walked over to my closet, grabbing my clothes for the day. I dressed in my favorite pair of black skinny jeans, combat boots, with a Green Day tee shirt. I left my multicolored hair (pic in media) down and just put on bright red lipstick and mascara with some and eyeliner. I ran down the stairs and met all the other girls, waiting for the visitors to arrive.
"You're seriously wearing that?" Karly said, wrinkling her nose distastefully. Karly was one of the meanest of the girls here and she likes to pick fights with me pretty often.
"Are you seriously wearing that?" I mimicked with a high pitched voice. She was wearing a really slutty dress that barely covered her butt that had a neckline that showed almost all of her bra. "Desperate much?" I snickered. She let out a little irritated squeak and turned away, muttering to her friend Maddy how "dumb" and "ugly" I was. Just then, the visitors enter through the door. One was pretty tall with a lip piercing and fluffy looking blonde hair. Another was average heigh but with soft brown hair and softish features. The third had bright red hair that was obviously dyed with a really cool ear piercing. The last one had curly caramel blonde hair and a bright smile. Mrs. Reed rushed over to them and offered a smile.
"Hello. My name is Mrs. Reed and welcome to my orphanage. What age group were you thinking of adopting?" The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"We're not really sure." The tall one said. "Can we just say hello to different kids then pick?" Mrs. Reed nodded and pointed at the lines of kids behind her.
"Go right ahead." The walked over to the start of the lines, which happens to be where the younger kids were.
"Go figure." I say under my breath. I turned away from the scene unfolding in front of me. "They'll fall in love with one of the little ones and then they'll just leave. Just like everyone else." I ran up the stairs, my feet thundering on the stairs.
"SAMANTHA!" I heard Mrs. Reed yell. "Get back down here RIGHT NOW!" I flinched but ignored her and walked into my room, shutting my door forcefully behind me. Mrs. Reed sounded and acted a lot like my parents and sometimes I just couldn't handle it or her. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and shoved them in my ears, playing music loudly to drown everything else. I slide down the wall and close my eyes. A single tear slides down my cheek and before I realize it, I'm crying quietly. I'm going to be stuck in this place for another 4 years and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. And that sucks. I pull out my earbuds and turn my music off, and continue crying softly.
"Please don't cry." A voice said. My head snapped up and I saw the red haired guy standing in the doorway. He kneeled down next to me with a small smile on his face. "Why are you doing up here?" He asked quietly.
"I-I wanted to get away from what was going on downstairs, so I came upstairs." I say, wiping the tears off my face quickly.
"Why? Don't you want to get adopted?" I laughed but it sounded kind of pathetic.
"Well yeah but no one wants to adopt an older kid like me. They always go for the younger ones. You and your friends did too." I point out. He looks at the floor.
"I didn't mean to offend you. We just wanted to see the younger ones first and work our way up the age ladder." I smile and tuck a small strand of hair behind my ear.
"It's okay. But why did you come up to talk to me?" I ask curiously.
"I thought you were upset when you ran upstairs. While my friends talked to some of the other kids, I came up to see if you were okay." He said sincerely. He sat of front of me crossing his legs and putting his chin in his hands.
"Thanks... I guess." I said looking down at my lap.
"Why were you crying?" He asked. I bit my lip and shook my head. I didn't want to tell him anything. I still don't know his name let alone why he cares so much.
"You can tell me. I promise I'm trustworthy." He said.
"Okay but may I please know your name before I spill my secrets?" He laughed.
"Michael. My name's Michael Clifford."  I smile. 
"Nice hair by the way. My name's Sam." I commented shyly, playing with the ends of my own hair.
"Thank you. Your hair is awesome too." He smiles and runs his hand through his fire engine red hair.
"Thanks. Do you still want to know?" He nods and I sigh. "Well okay. Here we go I guess. No one ever seems to wants to adopt me. They always go for the younger ones and no offense I thought you and your friends were no different. All the girls here hate me and so does Mrs. Reed. They call me a lot of names, I was called a slut multiple times this morning but I try not to let it faze me. I came up here so I wouldn't see someone else get adopted by you and your friend. God, I sound so pathetic. I'm sorry..." I trail off. He puts his hand on my knee.
"You are not pathetic okay? I would see the same way if I was in your position. Don't ever say that about yourself. You have way more self respect than that. I've know you for 10 minutes and I already know you're an awesome, cool, and super sweet girl." He said and I felt a few more tears slip down my cheeks. His face went from a happy one to one of concern.
"Oh my. What's wrong? Please don't cry. I didn't mean to upset you. Oh god please don't cry because of me..." He looked really upset and that just made me cry harder.
"Y-you didn't make me upset Michael. I-I'm crying because I'm happy." Michael looked confused.
"You're...happy?" He asked. I nodded and tried to wipe some of the tears off my face.
"That's literally the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me and it just blew my mind that someone I just met could be so nice to a freak like me. Thank you." He smiled.
"You are not a freak and you're welcome. Do you want to meet my friends?" Michael asked, standing up. He offered me a hand and I took it. He pulled me off and I tossed my phone on my bed and looked at Michael.
"Sure. Are they nice?" I ask hesitantly.  For some reason, I want his friends to like me. I went down the stairs behind Michaels but a lot slower.
"Yes they're really nice. I'm sure they'll love you." He took my hand and pulled me across the room.
"Hey Luke! Calum! Ashton! There's someone I want you to meet!" Michael called, pulling me along.
"Michael, who's that you've got there?" The brown haired one asked.
"This is Sam. She's 14 and really cool. Plus she's got badass hair. Sam, this is Calum." Calum waved and I waved back shyly.
"Hey Luke! Ashton! C'mere!" Calum called. The one with curly hair and the one with the lip piercing walked over.
"You called Calum?" The lip pierced one asked.
"This is Sam." Michael said. He pointed at the one with the lip piercing. "This is Luke." He said and then pointed at the curly haired one. "And this is Ashton." I waved again and they waved back.
"Hi." I said quietly. They all smiled and Michael cleared his throat.
"Uh guys? Can we talk?" He asked. They all nodded and  Michael pulled them aside and they started to whisper.
A few minutes later, their little "huddle" broke up and they all walked over to me.
"Good news!" Michael chirped. "We've decided that we're gonna adopt you." My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it at all.
"Really?" I exclaimed excitedly. The idea of getting adopted blew my mind.
"Yup!" Calum exclaimed happily. "We just have to fill out the paperwork while you grab your stuff and we'll be all set." I smiled and hugged each one of them in turn.
"Thank you." I say sincerely before running up the stairs to pack my stuff as quickly as possible. I couldn't wait to leave. I grabbed my purple suitcase from under my bed and started putting all my clothes inside. Once that was done, I grabbed my backpack and put my phone, headphones, all my books, my makeup and anything else of importance. I surveyed my room and grabbed my guitar, my backpack and my suitcase and ran down the stairs. When I got to the lobby, Karly and her gang surround me and they all looked mad.
"So the whore's getting adopted?" She sneered. "Wow. Surprise surprise. I can't believe the picked you out of all of us. I wouldn't be surprised if you showed up here next week because they don't want you. That's happened every other time, so why should this time be any different?" She said faked sweetness lacing her tone and she laughed. I made a decision right then and there. Dropping my stuff, I walked up to Karly and slapped her square in the face. Hard.
"You little slut! How dare you!" She shrieked holding her hand to her face. Just then, the boys walked over and smiled at me.
"You ready to go Sam?" Luke asked and I nodded.
"Yeah." I said a little breathlessly. "Yeah I'm ready." I picked up my stuff and followed the boys outside, ready to start my new life.
Hello! My name is Amaryllis and this is one of my new favorite stories to write! I will update this story as often as I can but I haven't  gotten a schedule figured out yet. This is my second fanfic (the other is a Markiplier one. Go check it out if you want ;) ) and I already love it. The picture is Samantha's hair and the song is Stitches by Shawn Mendes. I hope you enjoyed that chapter and I hope you guys have an AMAZING day and I will see you all in the next chapter!
Bye bye!
~Amaryllis 🌺

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