Chapter 3: We Love You

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^^Luke's POV^^

Everyone was sprawled out doing different things all around the room as a random movie plays in the background. I heard the stairs creaking. I look up and see Sam peek her head around the door, seeing what everyone was doing. Ashton and Michael were asleep, Calum was on his phone with headphones on and I was just relaxing and listening to music. I smile at her and pull my earbuds out of my ears.
"Hey Sam. How was your nap?" I ask quietly, trying not to wake Ashton or Michael up. Her eyes widened and she glanced over at Michael and Ashton's sleeping figures.
"Hi..." Sam said quietly, taking a few steps into the room. "I-I slept okay thanks." I smile at her and gesture to the sofa between me and Calum.
"You want to watch a movie with us?" I offer. She looked so scared of me and I feel so bad about what happened earlier. "Sam, I'm really, really sorry about what happened in the car. I had no idea that saying what I said would affect you like that and I feel horrible about it. I would never hurt you intentionally and I really want you to understand that. Please, will you forgive me?" I ask sincerely. She thinks about it for a minute and then nods.
"For the record, it's Sam, just Sam." She says loudly, making sure Calum heard her. Calum's head snapped up and he pulled his headphones off.
"Huh? Oh hey Sam. What's up?" He says turning his phone off and put it in his pocket.
"I was just saying that it's Sam, just Sam. If you call me Samantha AT ALL, I will kill you in your sleep." She says dead serious. Calum started to laugh and Sam scowled at him.
"What? I'm serious you know!" That just made Calum laugh harder.
"I know you're serious, it's just funny." He explains while looking at me. "Luke, I think you should sleep with one eye open from now on. You never know when she's gonna get you." My eyes widen and I look over at Sam worriedly.
"You're not actually gonna kill me right?" I ask. "I have fa-" Calum cut me off by whacking me on the shoulder. Oh right... I forgot that she doesn't know about the band. Whoops. Sam has a weird expression on her face. It was a weird mix of confusion, suspicion, and annoyance.
"I won't kill you but what was that about?" She asks looking between Calum and I.
"Nothing!" Calum and I say simultaneously. Sam narrowed her eyes, but let it go.
"You guys want to piss off Michael and Ashton?" She asks mischievously. I smile and look at Calum.
"Shall we?" I ask and he nods. I tuned to face Sam and gesture to her to continue. "What do you have in mind?" She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
"So we need to get to big cups of ice and very, very, cold water..." Sam begins to explain the plan and I have to say, it is pure genius.
Soon, Sam and I have big cups of ice water and we crept up to Michael and Ashton. The plan was for me and Sam to dump the water on the boys. Sam getting Michael and me getting Ashton. Calum's role was to hold them back the best he could while we run for our lives.  Sam looked at me and started to count to three.
"1...2...3!" She yelled and dumped the water on Michael. I did the same with Ashton. Michael jumped up and started swearing like a sailor while Ashton screamed a girly scream and fell off the couch. Calum, Sam and I cracked up laughing but upon seeing Ashton and Michael's enraged faces, Sam and I bolted.
"Run for your lives!" I scream while trying to dodge Ashton's attempts to grab me. Michael is chasing Sam around while she's screaming bloody murder.  I trip over my own feet and Ashton crashes into me. We start wrestling on the floor and Michael finally nabs Sam. He's obviously tickling her because she's yelling and laughing, and begging for him to stop. Ashton manages to get me in a headlock so I call a truce between us and he lets me go. Michael and Sam are still battling it out and it looks like he's winning. Apparently Calum was too busy laughing to help us which he will definitely regret later.
"Uncle!" Sam squeals. "I call uncle!" Michael finally stops tickling her and Sam smacks him upside the head.
"No fair! Ticking is against the rules!" She says and fake pouts. We all laugh and hand Michael and Ashton towels so they could dry themselves off. 
"You had to admit, that was pretty funny." Sam says, smiling widely.
"I guess..." Michael agrees, starting to towel dry his bright red hair.
"So what do we do now?" Ashton asks after the adrenalin of the water attack wore off.
"We could play 20 questions?" I offer. "That way we can get to know Sam, and Sam can get to know us?" They all agree and we head back into the living room. Ashton, Calum and I sat on one couch and Michael and Sam sat on the other.
"So how is this gonna work?" Ashton asks, glancing around the room.
"We take turns asking each other questions that we have to answer honestly until we get bored." Sam explained. I nodded and so did Michael and Ashton. "Who wants to go first?"
I look around and then raise my hand slightly. "I'll go. Umm, Sam. What's your favorite color?"
"Um, I have a lot. I like the colors, blue, lime green, silver, purple, black and white." She says all in one breath.
"That's a lot of colors..." Ashton said slowly, like he was trying to memorize them all.
"Yup!" She chirped. "Who's going next?" I pointed to Calum who was on my left.
"You want to go Calum?" He nodded and thought a minute before turning to Michael.
"Were you the one who stole my pizza last week out of the fridge?" I laughed because he said it so seriously when it was such a petty theft.
"Um, yeah. It was me. You never wrote your name on the pizza did you? Therefore it is not your pizza and fair game." Michael said sassily. Calum tried to scowl but ended up just pouting.
"I really wanted that pizza!" He said childishly. Michael just rolled his eyes.
"Whose going to go next?" Ashton asked. Michael raised his hand.
"Let me go Ash." Ashton nodded and he continued. "Sam, if you could change your hair color with the snap of your fingers or fly, which you choose?" Sam subconsciously touched her hair and I smiled.
"I would obviously do the finger snap hair color change. I love my hair and its weirdness." Michael laughed and pointed at her.
"Well put Sam, well put. Ashton, I believe that it is your turn." He nodded.
"Okay, ummm Sam again, what is your original hair color? Unless purple, blue multicoloredness is your natural color..." He trailed off awkwardly.
"Blonde or light caramel brown/blonde? At least, that's what I think." She said uncertainly. We all kind of looked at her weirdly.
"I actually don't remember what my natural hair color is." Sam admitted sheepishly. "I've been dying my hair since I was 9." My eyes widened in shock.
"Wow! That's so cool!" I exclaim. She smiled widely. "But why did you do it so young?" Her gaze dropped to the floor and she cleared her throat.
"It's my turn now right?" Sam asked, changing the subject. I nodded.
"Ashton, what was the last thing you ate?"
"Um pizza. Why?" He said kinda confused. Michael gasped.
"You ate pizza without me? How dare you!" Sam laughed but poor Ashton looked scared.
"You were asleep so I just got some for the rest of us. Sorry dude." Michael narrowed his eyes but let it go. Sam stood up and stretched.
"I'll be right back. I have to run to the bathroom."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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