Chapter 2: Love, Michael

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So together, all five of us walk out the doors of my old life and towards a big black car that was waiting at the curb. Ashton got in the driver's side and Calum called shotgun, leaving Michael, Luke and I to sit in the back. Michael and Luke sat in the middle section and I sat in the way back of the car by myself.
"You know you don't have to sit back there all alone Samantha." Luke said and my face drained of color. "There's plenty of room up here with us." He patted space next to him between him and Michael. I violently shook my head and shrunk down in my seat. My breathing sped up and I knew what was coming. I brought my feet up to my chin and tried to make myself as small as possible. The last thing I heard before I was launched into my darkest place was;
"Dude what did you do to her? Sam are you okay?" I recognized the voice as Michael's and I whimpered loudly. Then, reality dissolved before my eyes and I was thrown into one of my worst memories.

"Why hello Samantha, you're looking especially guilty today. Was someone a naughty girl?" She cooed, taking a drag of her cigarette. I shook my head, trying to keep a somewhat low profile. I was all of 10 and had no idea what normal parents were.
"There's no use lying to me. I know everything that you do and I know you weren't a good girl." I hung my head, knowing it would be best just to agree and take whatever punishment she and he would give me.
"I'm sorry Mom." I said softly. Her expression hardened and her lips pressed into a thin line.
"What did you call me?" She asked, her voice dangerously low. I gulped and tried to hold back tears.
"Ma'am. I'm sorry Ma'am." I corrected myself quickly. She smiled but made a tutting sound.
"That's better but I'm afraid that I will still have to punish you." I accidentally let one tear slide down my cheek and wiped it away as quickly as I could, hoping she didn't notice.
"Oh Samantha, there is no reason to cry considering that you've already realized that no one loves an ugly, pathetic, fat, weak, and horrible little girl like you. Now that you've shown how weak you are, after I'm done, I'm going to have to let him have his turn. Now don't scream too much or I'll be forced to gag you and tie you up again and we wouldn't want that now would we?" She asks and pulled out her purse full of things for her "turn" with me. She pulls out a belt first, one of the ones with a hard metal buckle. I was "asked" to turn around and I bit my lip, waiting for the pain of the strike to hit. It came blinding and white hot, again, and again until the pain was making my head spin. My back felt like it was sticky and on fire. I let out a small whimper as she orders me to turn around and I see the glint of a knife in her hands. The cuts were quick, deep and all over, letting the blood ooze and run. She slapped me a few times before pressing the still-burning butt of the cigarette into my thigh and forehead, leaving the skin burning and bubbling. And when she was finally done, I was left a heap on the floor, bleeding, sobbing and trying not to pass out because I knew what was going to come next. He still had his turn and usually, his turn is worse. He slammed the door loudly and pulled me up and threw me against the wall.
"Hey girlie," he slurred. "You ready to have some fun Samantha?" He asked, laughing. His fun was a sick, horrible idea of fun, but I was powerless against him.
Hours later, I was left in the corner, still bleeding, still crying, but feeling much more violated than before. I would remember that day as clearly as ever and it would never leave me.

<><>Flashback Over<><>
I wake up, still screaming. My face is wet with tears, my body shaking, and my scars burning like they were that day.
"P-P-Please make it stop!" I scream, clutching the sides of my head. Every time I close my eyes I see them and what they've done. I feel arms wrap around me and a quiet voice trying to calm me down.
"Shh, No one's going to hurt you." Michael said softly, pulling me into his lap. I'm still crying uncontrollably, my breathing rapid. "I've got you, you're safe now. Shh, no need to cry." I look around and see that it was only me and Michael in the car, everyone else was gone. I think of what he could do if he found me in such an isolated place.
"P-Promise me s-something." I say shakily, my voice thick and broken.
"Anything Sam. What is it?" He asks, still holding me tight.
"P-Promise me you'll never hurt me, not like them, not ever." I whisper. His face goes white, and he tenses up.
"Listen to me Sam. I will never hurt you and I swear on my life that I won't. None of us will ever do anything like that." He says seriously. I nod but a fresh round of tears start and I bury my face in Michael's chest.
"Please don't let them hurt me Michael. Don't let them hurt me." I whisper and Michael nods and pulls me even closer.
"I would die before I let them touch you Sam." He whispers back and for the first time in awhile, I feel safe. He starts to sing and I can feel my eyelids start to get heavy with sleep.
~Napping time skip~
I woke up and realized that I am still in Michael's lap in the back of the car. Michael must've fallen asleep too because when he opened his eyes and stretched. 
"Do you want to go into the house?" He asks, his voice tired. I shake my head. I didn't want to see the boys just yet.
"What if we just go into my room? I can tell the boys to leave us alone if you want." Michael asked. I nodded my head.
"Yeah, that sounds okay I guess. C-can we leave my stuff here?" He nodded and I pulled open the door of the car. I got out of the car and Michael followed me. I attempted to walk, but my legs were jelly and I fell.
"Well that was graceful." I muttered, attempting to stand up. Michael laughed and scooped me up, bridal style and started walking towards the house. The house itself was huge and homie looking and Michael soon reached the door.
"You know that I can walk right?" I asked. "You don't have too." He laughs and pulled the door open.
"Oh really? Says the girl who tried to take two steps and fell down. " I fake pouted and smiled. Michael had calmed me down and stopped the heavy flow of tears after my "episode" and I was grateful. Closing my eyes, I leaned into Michael and drifted off as he carried me through the house.

•••Michael's POV•••
When Sam started crying and whimpering after what seemed like a flashback in the backseat, I got really worried.
"Dude what did you do to her? Sam are you okay?" I ask, glaring at Luke. He looked guilty and really upset. Sam whimpered in response and the slumped against the seat.
"I-I didn't mean to do anything! I just called her by her full name! I'm sorry..." Luke said fiddling with his hands. Ashton pulled into our driveway and turned to me and Luke.
"Is she going to be okay?" He asked, concern lacing his tone. We all turned to look at Sam. She was paler than me, shaking, with tears running down her face.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Calum exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock.
"We're not really sure..." I say trailing off, still watching Sam. All of a sudden, she lets out a scream of pure terror and my heart breaks.
"You guys go inside, I'll stay with here and make sure she's okay." I say, climbing into the backseat next to Sam. They complied and soon it was just Sam and I in the car. She continues to cry, shake and flinch like she's being struck. I stroke her hair and try to soothe her but she's unresponsive. Sam stays like this for what seems like hours when, out of nowhere, her eyes snap open and she screams.
"P-P-Please make it stop!" She clutches the sides of her head and sobs. I automatically wrap my arms around her and start talking to her.
"Shh, No one's going to hurt you." I pull her into my lap. She's still crying almost hysterically and her breathing was out of control. "I've got you, you're safe now. Shh, no need to cry." I say soothing the terrified girl.
"P-Promise me s-something." She says softly, her voice sad and broken.
"Anything Sam. What is it?" I answer still holding her tight. If I could help it, I would never let go.
"P-Promise me you'll never hurt me, not like them, not ever." She whispers I feel my face go white, and I tense up.
"Listen to me Sam. I will never hurt you and I swear on my life that I won't. None of us will ever do anything like that." I says seriously. She nods but a fresh round of tears start and she buries her face in my chest.
"Please don't let them hurt me Michael. Don't let them hurt me." She whispers and I nod and pull her even closer to me, shielding her from the world.
"I would die before I let them touch you Sam. I whisper back and start to sing quietly to her. Before I know it, she's asleep and she seems peaceful. Soon, I nod off myself.
~The same napping time skip 😂~
I felt Sam move in my lap and yawn. I woke up and stretched. Who knows how long we've been here, and the boys must be getting worried.
"Do you want to go into the house?" I ask, my voice tired. Sam shakes her head. She must be afraid to see Luke and the others.
"What if we just go into my room? I can tell the boys to leave us alone if you want." I ask. She nods and smiles.
"Yeah, that sounds okay I guess. C-can we leave my stuff here?" She mumbles and I nod and she pulls open the door of the car. Sam got out of the car and I followed her. She attempted to walk, but immediately fell.
"Well that was graceful." She muttered, attempting to stand up. I laughed and scooped her up, bridal style and started walking towards the house. Sam looks so tired but peaceful. I soon reached the door.
"You know that I can walk right?" Sam asked. "You don't have to." I laugh and pull the door open.
"Oh really? Says the girl who tried to take two steps and fell down. " She fake pouted and then smiled. She seems calmer and a lot happier. She closes her eyes and leans into me as I walk through the house to my room. I walk up the stairs and down the hall, seeing that the door to my room was already open. I walked inside and gently laid Sam down on my bed. She must've been exhausted after her episode because she didn't stir. A small smile on my face, I grab a piece of paper off the floor and a pen off my desk and start to write Sam a note.
Dear Sam,
You fell asleep while I was taking you inside so I just let you sleep in my room. Stay in here for as long as you need, and if you need me, I'll be downstairs with the boys. You don't have to talk to them if you don't want to, but Luke and the others feel really bad about what happened. Your stuff is still in the car, but we can get it whenever you want. I'll be downstairs but don't hesitate to get me if something's wrong. You are safe here and no one will hurt you.
Michael Clifford
I signed the note and placed it by Sam's sleeping figure. I slip out the door and close it as quietly as I can behind me. I creep down the stairs and join Luke and Ashton as they were watching TV. Sam has been here for less than a day, and she had already changed my life.
Oh my, that was a long chapter. Hey people! It's Amaryllis and I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever but my wifi has been down so I couldn't update. But, to make up for it, the chapter is over 2000 words and had 2 POV's in it. I worked really hard on this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Plus, the picture in the media warms my heart whenever I see it and I actually set it as my lock screen for my phone. The song is "New Perspective" by Panic! at the Disco and I think it fits in with the chapter so go listen to it! Well, I hope you enjoyed that chapter and I wish upon you guys an AMAZING day and I will see you all in the next chapter!
Bye bye!
~Amaryllis 🌺

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