Chapter.4 Healing Hearts

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Cinderpelt hurried back to camp with the catmint in her jaws pictures of Tiger echoed through her mind. She headed toward Firestar dropping the clump Firestar asked her "Great can you please take this to WindClan and RiverClan. Brackenfur please escort her.". Brackenfur nodded and brought her to the RiverClan border. Cinderpelt hopped across the stepping stones Brackenfur right behind her. She heard paw steps come over to them. "Stop right there!", she heard a voice say. Stormfur, and some other cats were on patrol. Cinderpelt dropped the catmint and explained. "A gift from ThunderClan.". Stormfur sniffed it nodded and sent the patrol back to camp. It was night now they have already delivered the catmint to the other two clans. They have decided to spend the night at Barley's farm. They arrived and stepped inside the air was cold for the middle of New-lead. "Cinderpelt, back so soon?", she heard a voice say. She turned around and recognized the pale blue eyes she saw before. Tiger! She thought happily. Ravenpaw and Barley had just came in with rats in their jaws. Barley dropped his bundle in suprise. "Is it ok if we stay the night?", asked Brackenfur. Barley nodded and he curled up beside Ravenpaw. She and Brackenfur slept in a corner. She hadn't slept with her brother like this in a long time. But she felt cold. Everyone was asleep, but her. "Cold?", asked a voice. Surprised Cinderpelt turned around to see Tiger awake. "Y..yes.", replied Cinderpelt. "You can share my nest if you like it's a lout warmer.", offered Tiger. Cinderpelt nodded and curled up beside Tiger. His fur next to hers felt warm she felt all cozy. She never ever felt so comfy. But why do i feel like this with tiger she wondered

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