
31 1 1

After we left the hospital, we went to go home. Being there made me realize, I could've been killed. Nash could've been killed, but he was speeding up to try and make me forgive Hayes. Why?

Then I remembered what he said to me. Hayes wanted to propose to me. After what just happened? He wanted to propose to me to try and get me back?

I remember in high school. How we were.


"Mr.Grier. Do you have a staring problem?" Mrs.Barns asked Hayes. Who was staring at me almost the entire class. He wasn't happy because of what I did. I hurt him and I never wanted that. I never wanted to hurt Hayes. But it just happened. It wasn't my fault.

"I don't know." Hayes answered looking down at his notebook right in front of him.

"Well then pay attention" Hayes rolled his eyes and put his head down. The rest of the time went pretty slow. Then we were dismissed for lunch.

Thalia came up to me while I was at my locker. All happy and cheerful as per usual. No one really knew why she came into school so happy but she always did. She was my best friend since freshman year. We're seniors now which means where graduating in less then 3 months.

"I heard what happened. How could you do that to him? I mean I see why you cheated on him with that guy but Hayes really loves you and you-" I cut her off by slamming my locker shut.

"I'm sorry ok? It was an accident I can't fix anymore. I was drunk. How was I gonna know I would cheat on him?" I asked walking by her side to lunch. She sighed, I guess she knew how bad I felt about the situation. I cheated on Hayes with someone he truly cares about. Yeah he's a bit older then me. But we were drunk at this party.

Before I knew it we were at the cafeteria, at our normal table but with less people this time. Everyone seemed to ditch me for Hayes' table. They feel bad for him but not as much as I do.

A few minutes later Hayes came over to my table with Sarah. She's was part of the me and Thalia's little group but I think she moved on.

"Jay can we talk please?" Hayes asked. I stood up and we walked to the back of the cafeteria where the lunch ladies were but they didn't really care.

"What do you want?" I asked. He sighed before he spoke.

"I over reacted. You were drunk. I'm sorry" he looked up into my eyes. I could see all the hurt he was feeling.

"Hayes. I-I need some time. I feel really bad and I can't" I tried walking away but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back to my spot.

"I just apologized to you and your just gonna walk away?" He asked. His voice getting more form and louder with every word he spoke.

"Don't start Hayes" I said crossing my arms over my chest. He scoffed before getting closer. Then I knew. He was drunk. I could smell the alcohol on him. Smelt pretty strong.

"Hayes your drunk while your in school? Are you crazy!?" I asked. My voice was louder this time catching some of the students attention.

"Am I crazy? Your the crazy one going around cheating on me!" He yelled causing me to get more angry at him then I already was.

By now we had everyone staring at us. Some even came close to hear better.

"Your unbelievable sometimes." My voice was calm but I was still annoyed at him.

"Slut! You don't love me. You never did. Did you?! I hated you when we met! I never liked you until I slept with you! You were a bet! And guess what I got my prize! Your virginity." He yelled much louder.

"That's funny because we never slept together. We never had sex." I calmly said. I could see his anger showing in his face. Before anyone could do anything his hand my contact with my face. Causing me to wince in pain.

"That's what you get for kissing Nash!"


Ugh this chapter is really bad. I truly am sorry for not updating. And big twist at the end uh?

~ x Jay x

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