Chapter #23

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Decided to update in celebration of 100 votes :)

15 votes & 6 comments for next chapter xx

Beau's POV

I laid there on my back with Laura cuddled up next to me sleeping. She looked so peaceful so I didn't want to get up and disturb her. I felt guilt rushing through me. All I could think of was how Rose would feel. I had been doing this since a week after she left on the plane back to Melbourne. I knew Jai and Luke had suspicions of why I was leaving late at night and coming home in early hours of the morning. I had tried to go during the day so I wouldn't have to go at night but it didn't matter anymore. Luke already knew and he probably would've told Jai by now so I didn't have to sneak around anymore.

Laura turned and moved off me so I took the chance to escape. I climbed out of her bed and pulled my jeans and top on before quietly walking out of her house. I turned my car on and drove back home. The lights were all off so I knew that everyone was asleep. I unlocked the door and shut it. I walked to my room and heard Luke and Jai talking. Something about our fans being sluts.

"Doing a video boys" I boomed startling them. They were doing a twitcam.

"Twitcam actually" Jai glared at me and I knew he knew about Laura.

"I'm joining" I squeezed in between them trying to get into the middle.

The fans went crazy.

Omg Beau is so damn sexy

Fuck me

Take off your shirt

I laughed. "They love me"

"No. They love my arse" Luke stood up and slapped it.

"They just love me in general" I logged into Twitter on my phone and scanned my notifications. "Have you done a question and answer?"

"Good idea. Send us questions guys!" Jai spoke to the computer and began typing in a tweet.

Question and answer on twitcam #AskTheBrooks He tweeted as well as adding the link to the cam.

The questions began rolling in one after the other.

"What colour is your underwear?" I read out. "I'm not sure. I'll just check" I quickly looked down to see then look back up. "Blue"

"Are you straight?" Luke laughed as he read another. "I'm as straight as a pole"

A fan then tweeted him.

@Luke_Brooks But some poles are bendy and he Retweeted it.

@Luke_Brooks @JanoskiansGirly344 and round I added.

We answered a few more questions. The fans sent as some bizarre questions. They were crazy but we loved them. I scrolled down through them and one question in particular caught my eye.

@BrooksBeau #AskTheBrooks How is Rosie? I read out shocked.

Jai and Luke looked at me worried. The fans seemed to be still interested in her by the looks of it.

"She's fine thanks" I answered.

Another fan then asked another question related to the subject @BrooksBeau #AskTheBrooks Is she pregnant?

The fan had added a picture of Rose with her pregnant belly. I couldn't exactly say no when there was proof.

"Yes , Rose is pregnant" Jai answered for me.

I checked the time. It was 3:30 in the morning.

"Well we're going now" Luke began.

"Bye guys" I waved to the camera.

"Byeee" The twins said in sink before turning the twitcam off.

"Well that was an awkward end to the twitcam" Jai said quietly.

"The fans know shes pregnant" I said outloud.

"Now you have to tell them that you're dating" Jai said brightly.

"Not untill the babies born" I told him firmly.

"How was Laura? Mindblowing sex tonight or was she just shit?" Luke asked with a straight face.

"Amazing" I stood up and began walking to my room.

"Better than Rose?" Luke asked suddenly.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "I'm not comparing my girlfriend with another girl"

"She shouldn't even be your girlfriend. You're not a very loyal boyfriend" Jai shook his head.

"You treat her like she's nothing" Luke yelled suddenly. "You're cheating on her!"

I stood there shrugging.

"Discusting , thats what you are. If you don't want to be with her then why are you still with her? Because you feel bad for getting her pregnant? Or is that a act?" Luke grabbed my colar as he asked yelled at me.

"You obviously don't know what it's like no being able to do anything while your girl is pregnant" I growled. "Go get Imogene pregnant and see how you feel when she tells you she's having your baby"

Silence filled the room. Luke let go of my colar and looked upset. I could see the tears slowly filling his eyes.

"Wow Beau. That was harsh" Jai said finally.

"It's the truth. It's stressfull. Imogene or Ariana aren't pregnant so you can go fuck them without worrying about hurting a baby" I ran a hand through my hair.

"Well at least I'd be a supportive boyfriend if Ri got pregnant and wouldn't sleep behind her back" Jai told me coldly.

I knew his words were true. He would be a really great boyfriend to Ariana and would make sure that she wouldn't get hurt or anything. He was so protective of her. Luke was just the same. If Imogene told him she was pregnant he would probably just say that he needed a little time to register that he was going to be a dad then go back to her and treat her like she was God. And then there was me. Freaking out when I find out I'm going to be a dad then asking her out and sleeping around behind her back. I walked out of the twins room and into mine. I slammed my door shut and callopsed onto my bed.

What am I doing? I asked myself. Oh yeah , thats right. Being a real douche. I felt the tears coming and I didn't bother holding them back. No one else was going to see them so I just let them all out.


Jai's POV

I can't believe Beau. Rose was really sweet even though I had only known her for a short time. Luke was better friends with her and from what I had heard from him she and Beau were the perfect couple. But Beau just had to go and ruin it , Just when we thought he was going to have a serious relationship.

Luke and I were sitting down just chatting about random things when he brought it up again.

"Should we tell Rose?"

I thought for minute. She should know about this. If she finds about Beau and that we have been keeping it from her then we could possibly loose her friendship.

"We should tell her" I answered quietly.

"How though? Oh Rose just thought that I'd tell you that Beau's been cheating on you for the past month"

"She'd go crazy" I agreed.

"Beau wouldn't care. He would be all like and?" Luke mocked him.

"That sounds about right. I actually thought he was in love" I sighed.

"He's in love alright" Luke smirked. "With sex"

I rolled my eyes

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