Chapter #35

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My eyes flicked open as Zoe's cry filled the house.

"Ergh" I groaned as I stood up from the bed that Beau and I shared and walked over to my crying baby.

I picked her up and went back over to the bed and sat down. Beau was fast asleep and snoring. He hadn't even moved. It was his turn to feed Zoe but he never really bothered to get up and help - typical boy. It was apparently my job to feed her and his to play with her. I waited another minute and he still hadn't stirred. Sighing , I pulled the oversized top I was wearing up and began to feed Zoe. Today Gina and the boys were coming over to visit and see how we were going as it was our first day back home after coming from the hospital yesterday morning. Of course , they had all visited when we were at the hospital but they hadn't showered us with gifts yet.

Zoe finished drinking and I began to burp her. Beau was still oblivious that he was sleeping through his job.

"You're so cute" I cooed at Zoe as she began closing her blue eyes. She had Beau's nose and shape of face but my mouth and eyes. We had no idea what colour her eyes would be as all babies were born with blue eyes but Beau was guessing green as we both had green eyes.

I put her back in her cot that was in the left corner of our bedroom and went back into bed. I felt Beau's arm wrap around my waist and pull me in to him.

"Were you awake the whole time?" I asked him quietly.

"Yes" He whispered into my ear.

"You shouldn't let me do all the night shifts Beau , I need my sleep too" I was feeling a bit pissed off. He needed to help out a lot more than he was.

"It's only once!" He complained.

"You're doing the next feed" I told him firmly then closed my eyes and the last thing I heard was "Yes boss"

I didn't wake up for the rest of the night. Beau had gotten up and done the feeds for me so I could sleep. I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. I sat up and looked at the cot. Zoe wasn't in it so I figured Beau must have taken her downstairs.

"Beau where's Zoe?" I called out as I slipped my blue dressing gown on over Beau's oversized blue top and my pajama pants.

"She's down here"

I went down to see my boyfriend bottle feeding my baby at the kitchen table and a big plate of bacon and eggs on toast there waiting.

"I made you breakfast" He smiled at me.

"Aw thank you" I pecked his lips. "You didn't have to"

"I did" Beau looked back down at Zoe. "You gave me a baby girl"

I flicked my hand at him. "All in a nine months work"

"James and Daniel are bringing Veronica and Niamh over with them today" He changed the subject. "So you might want to get some extra food"

"I was thinking that you don't anything as you eat for two so..." I teased.

His eyes went wide. "NO"

"I was joking" I ruffled his soft brown hair and sat down so I could eat my breakfast.

"Good" He mumbled.

"You're so gullible"

Beau didn't answer and I continued eating in peace. Things were now good between us. We had a beautiful daughter , a house , no debts with plenty of money still in the bank and coming in , and loving friends and family around us. What else could a young couple ask for? Life was perfect. All the problems we had were now behind us and we were looking for an incredible future for us.

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