Made you look

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A.N.     If people enjoy this please comment and I will publish more I just don't want to put time and effort into a story if people aren't going to read it :) thanks

I gave Madison a gentle squeeze as we approached the last jump, a water tray with rainbow wings. I felt her push from her rear end and launching us up and over the jump tucking her front legs up to her stomach. Before I knew it the laws of gravity defeated us as we landed again then cantered over the line. Applause surrounded us. I knew Madison was one of the best looking horses at the event, she was flashy, she caught people's attention, and her show name suited her perfectly it was 'made you look' she does indeed make people look and loves the attention.

I left the ring showering Madison in hugs and kisses, no matter what the outcome always thank your horse, I was proud of how far me and Madison had come. 12 months ago she was a frightened, starved 4 year old thoroughbred who was forced to race. If she didn't win she would get beaten with whips and left in a stable without food or water when I got her she was in a poor state. As Madison started gain weight she got friendlier and trusted people more. When I thought she was ready I started working her gently at first while she got back into work. It wasn't until she got fitter I realised her true talent, and what she really enjoys. Eventing. We started jumping at 1 ft now we are jumping 4ft 2in courses and loving every minute of it.

I snapped back to reality and dismounted of Madison, leading her to the washing bays. I gave her a nice bath to relax her muscles. When she was clean I ran a sweat scraper over her body getting rid of any excess water then led her back to her stable at the show grounds. Making sure she had hay and water, I went to check on the scores after the showjumping, I was in first I couldn't believe it Madison was my gorgeous amazing horse no one could ever take her away.

I turned to walk back to the stables. Madison's stable door was open he'd gone so had her head collar, my baby was gone I fell

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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