The reasons it happened...

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I woke up at 8 and dragged my self out of bed to the vanity mirror in my window bay to see the state of my hair that morning.
And un surprisingly I looked like I had glued a birds nest to my head.
With expert knowledge I fastened my hair into a messy bun, cause their was no way my crazy mane was going loose today.
And dressed in my favourite pair of blue jeans, my old moth eaten jumper and a pair of scruffy trainers
Then ran down to the kitchen.
Where mum was making a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes, how I wish I could eat them.
Ignoring The delicious smell I picked an apple from the fruit bowl at said a quick good bye as I left the house.
If it weren't for the people at school I probably would have eaten 10 of those pankackes but the people at school are horrid and have nothing better to do than pick on others about their weight...people like me
I'm hated by everyone in the institute.
Not because I have done anything wrong but because no one likes people like me.
I'm fat, ginger, ugly and small. And just in case I forgot that their is always someone their to remind me.
Causing my self to try and fit in by not eating much and by caking my face in makeup so I fit in a little but nothing ever works I will always be the outsider.
I'm not okay with it, why does everyone have to hurt me for being myself?
I'm beaten by a group of jocks every morning and the rest of the day I am tormented by Aline and her minions.
My life will never be normal.
The bus pulled up to school and I hopped out the first thing I saw was ;Sebastian, will, jace and jem waiting for me by the dumpster.
Sebastian was the only one to ever actually hit me the others where just their for insults as he did it.
With a deep sigh I walked over to them and dropped my bag to the floor not to ruin my new books.
"It's about time red" Sebastian snarled as he made his first  move by hitting my in the stomach which instantly landed me on the floor in the foetal position.
From their on all I felt was his steel toe boots kicking In to my stomach and all I saw was the pain in ; jace, will and Jems, eyes as they laughed it off and started to encourage  Sebastian.
I knew they all went along with Sebastian as he is the king of the school and holds all the power.
I forgive them.
The steel boot stopped kicking me then Sebastian spoke "same time tomorrow red?" He sniggered as he left followed by three unwilling sheep.
I bit down hard on my lip to distract my self from the pain then stood with un-easiness as I scrambled for my bag and rushed to first lesson.
Before I entered the class room I straighten my clothes and made my self look presentable.
Yep... I'm okay.
"Sorry I'm late sir" I muttered as I walked to my seat. Not that the teacher noticed my absence.
"Why are you late troll ? Did you stop for a burger before class, because that would explain the bloating " Aline sniggered to her minions, then returned to texting this weeks boyfriend. What a slut, I mean that girl would do anything to remain being the queen of the school.

The lunch bell rang and I headed my way to the old oak tree around the back of the school.
This part of school is usually empty as everyone sits in their groups in the lunch room.
I don't belong to a group so I am stuck outside.
This is the only part of my day I can get some peace from all the chaos.
Why am I living this life ? What could I have possibly done so wrong that I deserved this miserably life?
Why do I even try?
At the end of the day I had been told to kill my self several times. The usual.
But maybe something could ease the pain of this excuse for a life?
When I got home I opened my ensuite and grabbed the blade from my razor and dragged it down the pale skin of my left forearm, I watched mesmerised as thick crimson blood began to pool in the crooked wound and slowly spilled on too my Snow White skin. I ran my arm under water and I felt like my worries where melting.
In curiosity I made another cut on my fore arm and more blood trailed down the colours, a mixture of white and red. Blurring slightly as my vision became clouded.
"Clary? I have your clean washi....." My mum walked into the bathroom and stared at me with a look of disbelief.
In swift actions she cleaned the blood away, flushed the blades and swore under her breath.
As she sat me on my bed she stood in silence trying to figure out if this was even real life.
"Pack your things you are staying with your dad until you are well again!" Frantically was her tone and I new not to mess with her.
In truthfulness I am glad I am leaving, I need a new start.

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