Makeing life hell on earth...

195 6 4

Clary's bike above ^^^^

"Clary, i know your tired from the flight but you have to go to school at some point today" mum huffed through my door.
i grunted into my pillow then got up reluctantly.
"i'm up are you fuck'n happy woman" i yelled through the oak door.
then jumped in the shower attached to my room, once i had scrubbed off the sweat my body had accumulated i washed my hair in my favourite strawberry scented shampoo then conditioned the ends.
then when i was clean i dried my hair, which was a challenge in its self as my hair was obscenely thick.
then i set to work straightening my red and black locks, and slightly curling the ends, then i applied my daily makeup but with an more intensive smoky eye, i am going to scare the shit out of the other pupils, i cant wait to make their lives hell...
i arrived to school on my bike the engine roaring to a halt as i skidded into the first parking space i saw.
i stepped of my Ducati and dramatically took of my helmet shaking my hair out as i did so.
all eyes where on me.
i checked my self over. Yes. i will cause heart atacks in this outfit.
I was dresses in a black lace top which clung to me like a second skin, a pair of leather hot pants and my grey stilettos.
I flicked my hair over my shoulder then waltzed into school with swagger in my step.
I pushed open the double doors to school. Could I be more dramatic. Yes I could.
I strut down the hall way, the pupils parting like the Red Sea at my presence.
Today was my daybue as the new me.
Today was the day every thing will change.

Sorry it's short...

Poppy Allie

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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