leaving my santuary...

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***** Clary's outfit for going to London above*****

2 years later

"Dad, you are not fucking sending me back to that woman!" i snarled at my so called father.

i mean living in New York was better than London, but what kind of dad sends you to deliver drugs in sleazy clubs ?
oh well, I'm happy here.
I can do what i wish and everyone fears me, why would i want to leave this place?
my gangs here, i don't know how they would survive without me.

I'm needed here... no one needs me in London.
i cant leave... i cant.

"Clarissa Adel Morganstern, you are leaving tomorrow go and pack" my dad bellowed through our apartment.
Silence came down on the room hard and heavy, then he broke it with an awkward cough

"you know you have to leave Clary, I'm not legally allowed to care for you and your mother insists you are now well enough to go home. if i don't agree i cant see you anymore sweetheart" his voice softened with heart breaking vulnerability.
I groaned at his reply
"okay dad, their is no need to guilt trip me." i walked into my bedroom and no further words where spoken.
i guess i'm going home.
once i was in my room i plugged my phone into my docking station and selected shuffle.
soon fall out boy blasted through my speakers and i started to calm down.
i will be okay.
i dressed in knee-high socks, lace up boots, a grey cashmere jumper and a leather skirt.
then after straightening my red and black ombre hair
i applied a thick cat eye, golden brown shadow and mascara to my eyes.
crimson to my lips.
and a light powder to my face to hide the imperfections.
i was ready to face the world.

"bye dad, i will call you in a few weeks" i called through the apartment as i left.
"wait! clary? please can you make a last minute drop off?"
"sure" i replied then jumped in the cab waiting for me on the street.

"can you take me to ' heavenly fire' before the airport? " i asked the cabby before leaving
"sure thing shortcake " he replied in the gruff voice of a smoker.

10 minutes later we where outside the club and i strutted in with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"Raphael, i know your here. i have a delivery from Valentine" i said in my sultry voice.
Raphael appeared from behind the bar,

"hey princess, why are you here so early? it 4 in the morning" he said in a confused manner, talking to Raphael was a highlight of this job.
guys who are Spanish have amazing accents when they have been living in the city for a while. Gosh I'm so vain.
"Im leaving for awhile Raphael, so here's your order" I handed him the bag then kissed him on the cheek, the ruff ness of his face caused a spark of excitement in me... Seriously what was wrong with me ?.
"I will see you soon shortcake" he whispered while I was leaving, his voice so quiet he didn't want me to hear him.
But I hear everything.
"Airport please" I told the cabby as I drove away.
I stepped off the plain and stretched my legs, the flight was so long.
Before my ride came I ran to the bathroom and made my self presentable as sleeping on a plane doesn't to much for your looks.

I exited the bathroom with my hair smooth and my makeup refreshened.
Then I began the pain of trying to find the people picking me up.
Which isn't easy when you are 5"2 even with heels on.

Eventually I saw a tall white haired man who closely resembled my dad and a red head who looked like the Barbie to my raggedy Ann.
I knew it was John and mum.
"Hey guys long time no see... But why the hell couldn't you have left me with dad ? you are such a pretentious bitch!" I yelled at my mum, who I was now tempted to call Barbie as she hasn't been much of a mum to me. She stood their in shock partly, from the words I spoke and partly taking in the new me; tattoos, piercings and all.

Suddenly I Hurd violent chortling from behind a very startled John and Barbie.
And it was non other than jace who seemed to find my outburst hilarious.
"Wow, John I don't believe that is clary. Who knew she was such a firecracker" he smirked then crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hi goldilocks, I see you haven't changed. Do you still beat innocent nerds or did you just save that for me ?" I snarled back in retaliation then snapped my fingers at my bags indicating that some one should take them.
Then waltzed towards the exit.

Maybe this would be fun after all.... ;)

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