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I often found myself looking in the mirror. I smiled, she smiled back. My twin from another universe. Her soft brown hair hung by her shoulders. Her rolled up sleeves showing the faint criss-crossed scars along her arms and wrists. I was her, and she was me. The pastel blue eyes stared. Watching. Judging. Waiting for me to do something new. I blinked, she blinked back. Something caught my eye in the reflection, she looked into my world, squinting, staring into the corner of my room. I turned around to get a better look. 

The picture. Of course. It lay propped up against my wall. I sighed and walked over. I carefully lifted up the frame and looked at the photo. It was me and my twin. Not my reflection this time, but my real twin. My sister. She had died the summer before. She had died when I wasn't there.

We had had a mini argument. A mere sisterly squabble when I look back at the moment. She had wanted to go one place, I had wanted to go to another. She had stormed out, I stayed behind in our room. Mum had no idea about our squabble, none of us told her. She didn't even question Jade's storm and slam through and out the house.

I stayed in our room, waiting. She wouldn't be long, she would be back within a couple of hours, nothing could happen. I checked my phone, hoping for a text which would say "I'm coming home," I didn't get one though.

I heard the phone ring downstairs. I heard the T.V get turned off. I heard a muffled scream and footsteps coming up the stairs Mum came into the room and took hold of my hand and pulled me,hard.

"Come, put your shoes on. We need to go....Now!"

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