Part 2: Akemi, The Cutest of Them All

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Tohsaka Akemi's POV

A couple days have passed since I have nominated classmates for the couple's contest. My days at school carried on like usual; taking notes in class, chatting about with Kou and Chigusa on our free time, practicing my orchestra music as much as possible, and daydreaming about a particular blue-haired boy that no longer knows my existence.

Same old, same old.

"Good morning Iwatobi High, can we please have the following students come to the main gym the moment I say their name," a feminine voice rang out through the intercom. Everyone shifted in their seats, curious as to why announcements interrupted our first class of the day, while as I rested my head into my poised hand, ready to fall asleep from tiredness. 

If only our teachers wouldn't give us so much homework in one night. It also didn't help my problem since I decided to also practice my viola solo as well. Just, why did I have to do that to myself? I could barely keep my eyes open!

"... Ryugazaki Rei..."

I jolted with sudden energy at the mention of my crush's name like a wake up call.

My eyes caught my dear brunette's gaze to my left. Chigusa held a very smug expression at my own expense. I immediately shot back a scowl for her attempt to rile me up. Can Chigusa please stop making that stupid face? Kou's going to notice!

"... Tohsaka Akemi..."


"Akemi-chan, you got called. You better go to the gym," Kou chirped to my right, snapping me out of my initial bewilderment. I slowly slipped out of my desk, my cheeks flushed from all the sudden attention from my whispering classmates. "Let us know what they called you over for, yeah?"

I gave the burgundy-haired girl a nod. I even spared Chigusa one last glance before bidding a goodbye to our teacher and leaving her classroom. My short legs carried me down the long hallways with the few others who have also been called from the announcement. The woman from the intercom repeated the student's names, in case some may have been mistaken. I slowed my pace and listened to the announcements again.

But there was his name again and a couple names later, there was my name called as well.

I guess they really do need me.

I entered the gym. Inside, I see the others who have been called as well, some confused and other with oddly excited faces. I went up to ask the enthusiastic few who seem to know what this meet up for. "Hmm? You don't know? It's for the Second-Years' Couple Contest," one girl answered with undeniable eagerness radiating off her body. "We all have been nominated to participate. I am so happy right now!"

Oh that thing?

An overwhelming wave of uneasiness and shock overtook me. Just who else had voted for me enough times to get me stuck in this competition? Not once did I think a good amount of people would have thought of me as they nominated classmates. And definitely, I didn't think I was popular to be participating in this... Unless, those brats I call friends turned in my name multiple times, but that's highly not likely.

Why did I have to be—"... stuck doing this?"

I jumped when a familiar voice have finished my exact thoughts at perfect timing. I didn't have to look to know the owner of that voice, but I turned anyway. Just now coming in from the entrance, Rei talking to the short blond next to him. In from how far I was, I could see how irritated my crush was. "This is so absurd. Why did people have to nominate me?"

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