Be Alright

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Selena POV

I was missing Justin like crazy, I was on my Stars Dance world tour in Sydney, Australia.I have been feeling under the mood too,I haven't got any personal time to myself... if I'm not performing, I have interviews.

Justin and I usually Skype but this morning he didn't... Maybe he was too busy. He was the one who started my day, him along with my fans.I know I'm sounding love struck and all but it's been almost 1/2 of a year I hadn't seen him (other than Skype) or touched him.

Currently we were in the hotel and I was yet to eat my lunch and after lunch is a radio interview. One of the main reasons why I have such a tight schedule is because the tour is only for 1 more month so we will be traveling faster because my management advised me to do so.

"Hey Ashley, can you tell everyone I'm not eating with them, I'll just order room service?"I asked my assistant.

" Sure Selena, is everything alright? "she asked.

" No, everything's good"I said trying to convince myself and her.

"Okay" she said and hung up.

I didn't eat, only drank some water and laid on my bed.I hugged the huge stuffed bunny Justin had bought on our 2 year anniversary.

I closed my eyes due to the tiredness,I started to drift to sleep. Just as I was about to fall asleep the doorbell rang. See!! no damn time to myself.

I lazily went to open the door. My laziness disappeared when I saw my boyfriend standing there with a bundle of white tulips.

I immediately ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"I'm so happy to see you" I squealed.

"Happy to see you to my darling, but can we go inside" he said chuckling.

"Mmhm" I mumbled as he carried both of us inside and locked the door.

"I got you flowers" he said and I finally loosened my grip on him.

"Thank you" I said smelling them.

He flopped down the couch grabbing me with him so I sat down on his lap.

"Have you eaten your lunch?" he asked and I stayed quiet. He let out a groan. "Sel, you need to eat."

"I know but..." I trailed off.

"It's okay,I get stressed too... will you eat with me?" he asked and I just nodded against his chest.

He leaned over and picked up the phone ordering a large pizza for the both of us and ordered two strawberry smoothies.

Within 15 minutes it was already there. I got up with Justin and the waiter came and placed the stuff on the table and we began eating.

Within 20 minutes we were done, and we cuddled in bed. I groaned as I looked at the time.

"I have to get ready for a radio interview" I said getting up but Justin pulled me back.

"No you don't, today your free, I've spoken to your management on allowing you to spend more time on the tour, that way you won't have to hurry everything" Justin said as I watched him amazement.

"Omg! Thank you" I said pulling him in a hug.

"There's more" he said as I watched him to continue. "I'll be staying with you in tour for the next two months"

I kissed him passionately as he returned with the same passion. I was sure, I fell for the right person.

"I love you so much" I told him breathlessly.

"I love you too babe" he replied. "Let's get your mind off things and watch a movie" he suggested.

"Can we go take a nap?" I asked.

"Sure" he said and we laid in each others arms eventually falling asleep.


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