He Fell In Love With His Best Friend

946 16 4

Justin=16.   Selena=15

Justin's POV.

"Um my mom wants Mandy and you to come over tomorrow for dinner at around 7" I said over the phone to Selena.

"Yeah? cool I'll tell mom" she replied.

"Ok, I'm looking forward to seeing you" I chuckled.

"Haha funny," she said sarcastically.

"What? you don't think we should tell them about us?" I asked.

"Justin, we've already had this conversation" she sighed. "They know us as best friends, since we've basically known each other since like forever"

"Ok my lady" I said to her as she chuckled.

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow"

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
Selena's POV.

"I'm glad you could join us" Pattie said hugging my mom.

"I'm glad too, we barely have time to hang out these days." I sat on the couch as I heard their conversation. Where the hell is Justin?I would go into his room but I didn't want to look needy.

"Goodnight everyone" Justin said coming into view. Thank you lord.

"Ah, we can finally eat dinner," Pattie said jokingly.

"You're acting as if I had you guys waiting for hours when it was barely 5 minutes" he said causing all three of us to chuckle.

The dinner was very quiet, as the moms spoke boring adult stuff. Justin and I would look over to each other and snicker.

Finally when the dinner was over, we decided to watch some TV , well our moms wanted to watch America's Got Talent. That was in neither of our interest.

Justin and I sneaked away from them and ended up in his room.

I gasped seeing a very naughty magazine peeking from his side drawer. "Oh my god!!"I giggled as he came behind me and wrapped guys sauna around my waist.

"Stop it's embarrassing"he mumbled in my neck.

"This feels nice"I said.

"I know, I'm glad I asked you out."he said as I giggled.

"It's only been last week"I stared.

"But we haven't even kissed yet"he said pretending to be angry. I turned around with my arms around neck.

"We can do it now"I said as his smile widened.


"So how do we start?"I asked suddenly nervous.

"I'll lean in and you follow my lead"he suggested. I shrugged and nodded.

We both closed our eyes and I waited for him to kiss me, I peeked open one eye and saw him coming closer, I giggled but I shut up when his lips meet mine. We both stuck there, since it was both of our first time, Justin then poked his tongue into my mouth,hmm, I was getting the hang of this.

"What is going on here?"a voice said. Startled, Justin and I pulled away from each other to look at the door where both of our moms stood, arms folded and face expressionless.


A/N: Can you guys please make some requests? How do you like this one? I'm sorry for the errors and if it's lame but can you still vote and/or comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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