Chapter 11

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“Tell me what happened during the walk!” Jessica whined at Colin over supper.

Colin smirked; this is the best fun I have had in a while, he thought and continued to ignore Jessica’s pleas for information.

Colin did want to annoy his sister but there was another reason that he wanted to keep his stroll with Sophie to himself. Throughout his entire life Colin had never had anything that was his own; something that just belonged to him and no one else. His time with Sophie was something that the whole village would talk of. Colin didn’t want that. This would just be something between him and Sophie. A moment in time captured forever in his heart. Colin also wanted to respect Sophie’s privacy.

Jessica stared daggers at Colin as he ate his soup without a word. I should get to know! I’m the one who mentioned to the Princess that he was such a good dancer. He owes all of this to me! Jessica thought.

Though her frustration was not as apparent as Jessica’s, Cornelia too yearned to know what had happened between Colin and Sophie. She hoped that Jessica’s pestering would eventually wear Colin down and make him reveal what had gone on. However, Colin remained silent throughout the meal.

Meanwhile, at the manor, Sophie and her family were also sitting down to supper. Sophie has already promised herself that she would not tell anyone one thing about what had happened between her and Colin. She, like Colin, wished to have one thing in her life that belonged to her and her only.

Unfortunately for Sophie, Grandmother Elizabeth was not going to be as silent as Cornelia had been.

As soon as she sat down at the table, Sophie was bombarded with questions.

“Tell me Sophie, what was it that you and that boy talked about?” Grandmother Elizabeth asked if she was conducting an interrogation.

Sophie’s eyes fell to her salad, “Nothing.” She mumbled.

Grandmother Elizabeth was not one to give up that easily, “Come now, the conversation must have been extremely interesting for the two of you were out there for nearly an hour!”

“Really, Grandmother, there was nothing said of interest.”

“Well, I hope you are feeling equally as talkative tomorrow.” Grandmother Elizabeth said.

Sophie looked up. Is Colin coming again tomorrow?” She hoped to herself. “Why is that?”

“I took the liberty of inviting the Duke of Aldershot and his family to Coe Hill for a fortnight. They will arrive tomorrow. Since you seem to be so chatty Sophie, I am sure that you will be able to keep his son, Phillip entertained.”

Sophie all but spat out her food. Phillip! Phillip! Goodness, anyone but that disgusting boy! Sophie thought.

Grandmother Elizabeth broke into Sophie’s thoughts, “Sophie, I asked if you had met the Phillip before.”

Sophie met her grandmother’s gaze, “Yes, we met a week ago when I attended a ball at his father’s estate.”

Grandmother Elizabeth smiled, “Lovely. He’s about your age, the boy is, and from what I have heard he is quite handsome.”

Sophie looked at her father, hoping that he would recall the encounter she had with Phillip during their breakfast several days ago. However, he did not raise the subject. I guess I’ll just have to get through it. Sophie thought.

“I heard that Lady Victoria of Greenwood has been suggesting that Phillip marry her daughter Isobel.” Grandmother Elizabeth gossiped. “Though I personally I think that Isobel is much too far below Phillip’s station for her family to propose her a prospective bride for the boy.”

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