Chapter 13

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Colin raced down to the patio, where dinner was being served. He flung himself through every doorway. His heart pounding due the excretion but more so do the rage and hate that was bubbling up inside him like boiling water; his teeth grinded together as he tried to keep from exploding.

How could Phillip touch Sophie like that? Colin kept thinking to himself over and over again; he just couldn’t understand why someone would ever want to hurt her no matter how hard he tried.

In no time Colin had burst though the patio door, almost crashing into the trolley that held the tiny colourful cakes.

The adults turned to him, shielding their eyes from the sun that shone brightly above them, except for Elizabeth who shot daggers at Colin. Phillip was nowhere to be seen.

“Prince Mark! Prince Mark!” Colin breathlessly pushed out of his mouth.

“What is it m’ boy?” Mark responded, “Is everything okay?” His voice filled with more questions.

“It’s Sophie.. er… I mean Princess Sophie, she needs you. Now.” Colin spoke quickly.

Mark bolted up from his pink padded chair, “Thank you.” He droned, his eyes meeting Colin’s. In large strides Mark left the patio, Colin followed behind him.

Elizabeth sighed, “That girl always seems to have a problem.” Her voiced laced with hate.

Luke looked at his wife, “Sophie probably has pains. She is still hurt Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth scoffed, “Nonetheless she still seems to always have some sort of ‘emergency’”

Duchess Marie, who was in the middle of buttering a roll, let a smirk slink across her face, “Well at least the girl has her looks.”

Elizabeth cackled, “Yes, Yes, Marie, perhaps that is all Sophie has.”

Marie pointed a long, bony finger, “And being the Prince’s daughter.”

Meanwhile in a spacious chamber upstairs, Sophie had just finished recounting Phillip’s attack to her father. Mark hadn’t said anything yet but his eyes were alight in anger. His thoughts whisked around his heads wondering what to do first: confront Phillip or comfort Sophie?

“Papa?” Sophie voice came out meekly.

Mark’s decision was made. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his daughter, feeling her shoulders shudder underneath the weight of her tears.

“I’ll make him leave Sophie. I’ll make him pay.” Mark whispered, running his head again and again over Sophie long brown hair. Mark lifted Sophie into his lap, clutching his once little girl to his chest.

What would my Anne think of this? He thought. She would be so ashamed of me.

Sophie squished her eyes together and tried to get lost in her father’s silk shirt; she tried to lose her memories in the warmth of his chest but nothing helped. She just couldn’t forget. Her head, throbbing with pain due to the tears which would not stop, began to feel heavier. Sophie sunk deeper into her father’s chest.

Colin stood in the doorway taking in the scene. He urged to punish Phillip himself, to make the boy bleed. Colin balled his fists in an attempt to restrain himself. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, Colin thought to himself. He knew that it him beating Phillip up would do nothing for Sophie, and what’s more it would only get him fired from this job which just couldn’t happen. His family needed him to have this job.

Mark raised his eyes from his daughter and caught a glimpse of Colin’s eyes focused on him and Sophie. He mouthed thank you and Colin knew that this was his time to leave. He turned and walked back to the stables, choosing to refrain from his urges and get back to work.

Sophie felt Colin leave and looked up at her father, “He saved me you know.” Her voice small and hoarse.


“Colin is the one who pushed Phillip away from me.” Sophie repeated.

Mark smiled, “I’ll be sure to reward him then.” Mark then lifted Sophie from his lap and into her large bed lined with a crisp whit duvet. “I’m going to go deal with Phillip and his father.” And before Sophie even tried to sit up he added, “And you’ll stay here.” The warning in his voice made Sophie sink back against the pillows.

“If you insist Papa.” Sophie smiled through her tears.

Mark kissed her on the head, “Sarcastic even at the worst of times.” He then got up and began to leave Sophie’s chamber but turned and said, “You try to rest darling. When I come back Phillip will be gone.”

Sophie nodded.

Mark made his way down the luxurious hallways of his in-laws manor to the patio where he found Phillip seated with the other four adults.

With his face giving away nothing, Mark approached Phillip, “My daughter has told me that you violated her personal space, that you have inappropriately made contact with her.  I believe her. You and your family will leave at once and you will not return. You will stay away from my daughter and are no longer permitted to attend any social function which she attends. Though I suspect that after the kingdom hears of your act of lewdness you won’t be invited to any events anyway. Now leave or I will not be so kind about my punishment.” Mark snarled at the boy and pulled him out of the chair in which he sat.

Marie jumped up, “My son did no such thing. Princess Sophie is telling a lie.”

Mark pivoted and dropped Phillip to the ground, his voice razor sharp, “My daughter would never lie.”

“Please, Mark; Sophie, like you, would do anything to damage anyone social reputation if it is convenient to her.” Marie said, not paying attention to her son.

“You are telling lies.” Mark spat.

Grandmother Elizabeth scoffed and crossed her legs one over the other, “Oh Mark, calm yourself. Perhaps Sophie is only stretching the truth a little. I’m sure Phillip didn’t do exactly as Sophie said.”

“She is not lying to me! And there is a witness, Colin the stable boy.” Mark insisted his voice growing strained as he tried to regain his coolness.

“We’re going to rely on the account of a hillbilly farm hand. I think not” Marie insisted.

Grandfather Luke stood up, “Everyone needs to calm down. Why not take the children and ask themselves what happened. All three of them, Colin, Phillip and Princess Sophie.”

“Luke you cannot be serious.” James replied, “You won’t believe my son?”

“I’m not sure who to believe at this point and so we will hear everyone’s account.” Grandfather Luke smoothed his shirt.

Mark looked at his shiny black boots, “My Sophie is resting so we will convene after supper in the blue drawing. Sophie and I will not be eating with the rest of you.” And with that he sulked back to Sophie’s chambers.

“I will not allow my son to be made a mockery of!” Marie’s shrill voice echoed around the garden.

“Please be there.” Grandfather Luke insisted as he turned and took a long walk through the maze of flowers.

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