t e n

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"leave her for me,
leave your lover
leave her for me
I need you, you need me, too.
it's a win-win"
a plea in my head.

"I love you"
a shout in my heart

"hey, Kris, how are you"
a sentence out of my mouth

"beautiful Blaze,"
words out of your mouth
that makes my hearts flutter
that causes the butterflies in my stomach
tugging my heart strings
making me hope for something not possible

but of course, I have to wake up from this sweet dream in a beautiful nightmare

because im getting too deep
too deep to get away
to deep to climb up

I love you, but I'm all out.

so this will be the last,
the last time im going to write to you
this will be the last,
the last time im going to write about you.

I need to save myself from this one sided

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