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A/N: I'd like to start off by apologizing for this, It's short, but also... please don't hate me at the end of this >.<



This gang hung out in the same place all the time, called it their 'territory', and it made them extremely predictable, in fact, Tao would have been surprised if they weren't there. The Gang was kind of small, maybe 9 or 10 people, but they hit hard, last time he'd fought them, they'd bruised his ribs, and honestly, that still hurt, so maybe he did have his own personal reasons for coming and wanting to scare them besides Min-hee.

Though Min-hee was a pretty strong reason to do anything. He wasn't sure when she started meaning so much to him, to think when they'd talked at first, he slapped her, that seemed like forever ago, but really, it was only a day or so ago.

When Tao got close to the place, he pulled over a little bit away, wanting to not set off the alarm that he was here, the Bugatti purred too much, he needed silence. He knew just the guys he was looking for were on the night shift, it was close enough to the switch over that they'd be tired, but not close enough that he might be interrupted. He preferred it like that, before, they'd ganged up on him, but this time, he'd get more then a fair fight.

He shut the engine off, getting out of the car like he normally would, then he started the walk to their hideout. Surprise wasn't really his goal, he just wanted to intimidate them. So he walked up as casually as ever, looking down at his feet, if they saw his face first, they'd know what was up.

Tao walked right up to the house. Their hideout was just a raggedy old house that no one was supposed to be in, condemned, but they'd somehow managed to get everyone around it scared to death that they'd do something to them if the police or anyone was informed of their presence. They were terrible, only ever picking on anyone weaker then them to make themselves look big and bad.

Standing in front of the house was the exact two he wanted. When he saw them, all he could think of was Min-hee crying, all he could picture was one of them putting their dirty hands on her. He kept his head down as he started walking up to them.

"Hey, Blondie, private property!" One of them yelled, the other chuckled.

Tao looked up, just calmly looking back. In these kind of things, he was hardly himself, and he didn't want to be himself. Tao, the guy that thought Pandas were cute and liked Gucci wouldn't get him out of a fight without multiple hits to the face. He found it worked better when they at least believed he meant business.

"Came back for another beating?" The second one asked.

Tao frowned, he'd beaten them last time, even if the fight wasn't one sided, he sure as hell didn't lose. He remembered, he'd kicked their asses pretty hard. "No." Tao said slowly. "I came to finish the job." Tao grabbed a fistful of the first guy's shirt. "Think really hard, try to remember, you touched something that wasn't yours."

"Let go of--!"

Tao pushed him against the outside of the house. "That doesn't sound like you're thinking about what I asked." The other guy he was working threw a punch his way, but Tao caught it with his free hand. "Your buddy isn't thinking very hard either."

The first one spat at him. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

Tao kneed him in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and making him double over and lay on the ground, gasping for air and writhing in pain. Then Tao turned to the other one. "Maybe you remember a girl? A girl that you put your dirty goddamn hands on?" If he didn't remember, Tao was entirely prepared to punch him as hard as he could. The more they played dumb, the more impatient and pissed off Tao got.

He smirked. "There's a lot of girls I put my hands on, I can't remember just any one."

For all the patience he'd walked up with, Tao had lost all of it right then, he took him by the collar and punch him until he saw blood. he wasn't sure how many times that was, could have been three times, could have been ten times, he was too angry to count, to angry to care. Min-hee was not just some random b*tch. The implication brought up when he saw her cry, shaking and scared, saying she felt violated.

"Stop! Stop! I remember! I remember!" He begged, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth. Tao must have broken a few teeth, because he sounded like he was slurring. When Tao stopped, he looked up at him, obviously scared. "I remember, little kid with glasses, right?"

Tao stared evenly at him. "Then maybe you remember who asked you to hurt her." He hated the way this idiot kept beating around the bush. Tao was right, a couple of broken noses weren't enough for these sleazy, disgusting bastards, they deserved hell.

"I can't tell you that! He'll kill me!"

Tao got closer to his face, as close as he was willing to, this guy's breath smelled like nothing but liquor. "And what do you think I'll do if you don't tell me?" Tao asked. It was a bluff. He couldn't do that, as much as he hated this man, he couldn't kill him or anyone else, not even if the world was better off without this idiot.

"I..." He started, staring into Tao's eyes for minute, probably trying to judge what Tao might actually do versus what he wouldn't. "Jesus, fine! Lu Han! He said his name was Lu Han!"

Tao dropped him. His collar just slipping out of his hands, and as soon as he was free, he got up and ran. Lu Han? He'd maybe expected his boss's name, maybe Chanyeol's just because he didn't trust the Virus, but...That angelic looking--? Why would he? How would he? Maybe there was a truth and reason behind this hit his boss had planned for him to do. Maybe it was a big lie, but why? That was the question he kept coming back to--Why would anyone who wasn't his boss want to hurt Min-hee? What was the point of it if not to push him to kill Lu Han?

Tao stood there for a second, in shock. He had to case out that house, it couldn't wait anymore, he had to find out exactly who this Lu Han was. It was obvious he wanted something, and maybe this was a big trap. But this was about Min-hee, he had to know, he couldn't live not knowing, he couldn't tell anyone that they were safe if he didn't even know what Lu Han was.

He definitely wasn't just an angelic face.


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