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A/N: UH OH~! Started with an author's note, that could only mean bad things, let me just say. I just want you to know the GIF is to cheer you up, if you're feeling upset, just look how cute Baekhyun is. Problems solved~! *Magic~!*

Also, this is pretty long :3 2760 words :)



It had been two days, and she heard nothing from Tao, all she got was calls from Kris every night saying they hadn't found him. Baekhyun had called her up once, asking if she was alright, and if she needed to talk. So she called him every so often, since he was really the only person she could actually talk with about Tao. Grandma would only further judge him, Kris didn't know about the fighting, she couldn't tell her friends, though they asked her what was wrong all the time.

Min-hee laid on her stomach on her bed, just scrolling through her contacts. She still hadn't left Grandma's house She wished she'd asked for Tao's number, even if he didn't answer any of his friends, or his girlfriend, she just wanted to call every night to check, just to make sure, just to hear his freaking answering machine.

She'd thought to ask Baekhyun for his number, but had lost the courage to. She didn't want to seem like she thought she was more important then his friends and he'd answer her and not them. And then she didn't want to explain her dumb reason for wanting to call.

So she sat there, staring at Baekhyun's number, about to call him. It was just past midnight now, it was three days now that she hadn't seen or heard from Tao, three days since anyone had heard from Tao.

Min-hee chewed her lip. She hadn't been getting much sleep, hadn't been eating much, she didn't want to go outside that often, everything felt dull, sad, lonely, even when she sat with friends.

It crossed her mind too often--the thought of Tao being dead.

Min-hee called Baekhyun.

Even though it was late, he answered almost immediately. "Hey, Min-hee." Baekhyun said, sounding tired. "Still no sign of Tao, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Min-hee lied. "You're trying as hard as you can, you don't have to be sorry...I just wish I could help." She would have, she wanted to, but Baekhyun had insisted that Min-hee stay out of sight for the most part, inside if she could help it. With Tao missing, Baekhyun had said that whoever else might be looking for him might think that Min-hee knew where he was and attack her.

"Gosh, I wish Haneul was as understanding as you are." Baekhyun groaned over the receiver. "She'd slowly becoming the wickedest witch on the planet, I swear. You know what she called me? She called me a pathetic wanna-be b*tch, and said it's my fault Tao went AWOL."

"It's not your fault, Baekhyun, it's mine." Min-hee said, twisting a lock of her hair around her fingers. "He wouldn't have gone out if it wasn't for me..."

There was a silence. "Min-hee, please don't blame yourself, I don't think it's your fault, and I think Tao would have done it the same anyway, Tao is just like that."

"Where do you think he could be?"

"You asked me that last night. I wish I even had an idea." Baekhyun paused, the air feeling empty and still without him talking.

It wasn't fair of her to ask him really, she knew that he didn't know. If he knew, they might have found Tao already. And at the moment, he was probably driving around with Kris looking for him, a lot more then what Min-hee was doing.

"Tao's fine. I'm positive, don't worry, Min-hee." Baekhyun sounded like he was doing something else at the same time, a faint rattling in the background. "Min-hee, I've got to go, get some sleep, huh?"

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