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He woke up holding Min-hee closer then he remembered. He didn't mind, he liked it a lot actually, she was warm, her sleeping face was cute, she was cuddly and soft, like a teddy bear--except, actually alive and breathing softly.

He'd taken off her glasses when she'd fallen asleep, and he'd never noticed how long her eyelashes were, how pretty they were. He'd gotten maybe two hours of sleep. He couldn't sleep with her right there, so he ended up just staring at her. It was a lot of damn time to look at her, he could almost paint her. He was surprised he got to sleep at all. He may have momentarily forgotten about the boss and Lu Han and her stalker, but it was back in the forefront of his mind already.

None of that was what woke him, though, it was his phone buzzing that woke him. He gently eased out of the embrace, trying not to wake Min-hee, then answered the phone, whispering a groggy, "Hello?"

"And you finally answer." It was Kris, Tao smiled.

"Can't you say hello like a person?" Tao asked, smiling. Whenever Kris called, it always made him smile. Kris had been his best friend for years. Tao was lying to him about the money too, but Kris seemed the most likely to still like him if the truth came out.

"That's not my style." Kris said flatly. "You seen Min-hee?"

Tao absently stroked Min-hee's cheek, he supposed she must be not wearing any makeup, her face was so soft. "Yeah, I'm with her."

"Good, then Baekhyun can stop his b*tching."

"Is Baekhyun alright?" Tao asked.

"He's fine, he just needs to stop whining."

"Okay, see you, then, I've got to go over there later."

"Alright." Kris said, then hung up. Kris had never been one for long phone conversations, said it was impersonal.

Tao set the phone down on the nightstand next to Min-hee's. Then crawled over Min-hee to get off the bed. She had her mouth slightly open as she slept, her soft lips seeming way too close.

Dammit, Chanyeol was right. Tao would probably never hear the end of this, Chanyeol loved to be right.

He paused for a minute, looking her over. Whoever it was that took her hadn't appeared to hurt her, at least not in a visible way, but from the way she frowned in her sleep last night, something bothered her.

Then he got up, heading over to the closet. He hated sleeping in his clothes, but he hadn't really felt like changing and he was pretty sure Min-hee would be uncomfortable with him just stripping down to his underwear.

He took out a white hooded sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. Then headed out of the room to the bathroom down the hall to change. You never quite knew how uncomfortable some clothes were until you slept in them.

After getting dressed, and throwing the clothes he'd slept in in the laundry basket, he started on making himself look decent. His eyes always looked puffy in the mornings, and his hair was sticking every direction it could. When he was brushing his teeth he heard Min-hee yell.

It didn't sound overly panicked, so he went back to his room and peeked around the door, checking on her. She'd fallen out of the bed, and was currently searching all over the floor on her hands and knees for her glasses, obviously not seeing them on the nightstand.

Tao went in and took the black glasses off the table, then knelt in front of her, brushing his hand over hers to let her know he was there so she could stop reaching around so he could place the glasses on her face.

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