CH.3 Meeting Him

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Hideo had been watching his dragon for a month now. He wanted to make sure their was no competition. Because the soon to be ex would meet his sword. He was after all a killer. And he enjoyed seeing the life leave his victims eyes as they died. Today would be the day he asked her out. He just hoped she would agree. Hideo had made an appointment with her to cater a banquet he was hosting. This was for his legitimate and non-Yakuza businesses. He planned on her never being privy to that side of him. She would only see the kind Hideo. Not Kyto. Yakuza mob boss.

"Welcome to Tasty's". "How may I help you today?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes I have an appointment with Ms.Vasquez".

"May I have your name please" she said as she looked on her computer screen.

"H. Satoh" he replied.

"Ah here you are".
"Let me just buzz her and she'll be out to greet you momentarily ". "Please have a seat" as she gestured to a row of chairs.

"Hi Alana your 12:00 is here".
"Your welcome" she replied back.

Hideo felt like a teenage boy. He was so eager to be in the same room with her. Though you couldn't tell it by his calm demeanor. He was also unsure and nervous. For the first time in his life he was afraid. Afraid that she wouldn't like him. Sure he was stalking her on the sly. But nothing would compare to her actually seeing and talking to him. When he looked up his dragon was coming out of her office. Hideo smiled she was wearing the combs he gave her. He let out the breath he didnt realize he was holding. Maybe he had a shot.

"Hello Mr.Satoh" she said while reaching to shake my hand.

"Ms.Vasquez" he replied.

"Shall we" she said as she led him to her office.

His future wife had a graceful walk he noted to himself. And she smelled of jasmine.

"Now Mr.Satoh as I was looking over your event proposal, I noticed you didnt give a preference to what type of food you would like" she said while flipping through documents.

"Based on your reputation of excellence and superb customer service I trust your judgement" he replied.

She smiled. "Why thank you Mr.Satoh, I will not disappoint you".

He gestured and said, "No please call me Hideo".

"Hideo" she whispered to herself, but loud enough for him to hear as she touched one of her hair combs.

"So your my secret admirer".
"Yes my beautiful dragon" he replied. He also noticed she blushed at his endearment.

"Im sorry if meeting you this way is strange".

"No actually its fine". "I finally get to meet who gave me such pretty combs" she said. "Thank you their quite lovely".

"Im glad you like them". "But this isn't our first time meeting". "I first saw you in the Hamptons". "You were working and I briefly spoke to you". "I said that you were very alluring".

And from her facial expression a light bulb came on. She remembered him.

"Well Mr. Satoh".
"Hideo" he corrected her.
"Hideo" she said in compliance to his insistence of calling him by his first name. He would never tire of hearing his name flow from her delicious lips.

"Was this and your gift a round about way of meeting me again?"

Hideo smirked. She was clever he thought. Which meant he had to guard his darkside tightly.

"I have to be honest Alana" he said as he stepped closer to her. "I mean may I call you that?" he asked nervously.

"Yes you may" she said sweetly. Alana thought it was cute a man such as he, who radiated power was nervous because of her.

"Well then Alana my beautiful dragon may I take you to dinner sometime"?

"Hideo, yes and no" she replied.
"Yes I'll go to dinner with you, but can I meet you there?"
"I'm a very cautious woman, I would be more comfortable driving myself in my own car".

He just smiled. His dragon was not a loose or stupid woman.

"Of course Alana" he said smiling. "How does the Waldorf Bistro sound at 7:30?"

"Good choice" she said.
"Oh and Hideo I was wondering something" she said.

"Why do you call me dragon?"

He stepped even closer to her this time. He caressed her cheek and she unknowingly leaned into his hand.

"Because your eyes are a beautiful jade green color, with flecks of gold."

"And the dragon in my culture is the most respected and revered deity".

"Now do you understand why I call you my beautiful dragon" he said while looking at her intensly.

"Alana, Alana" he said.
"Yes, what ". "Im sorry I zoned out".

"Well I'll see you this evening". "And thank you Alana for this opportunity" he said.

"You don't have to thank me." "I think I will enjoy your company" she said.

"See you tonight". And then he left.

"What the hell just happened" she said. Hideo had her. Yes he was a very attractive man. But it was more than that. As soon as he caressed her cheeked she zoned out. She couldn't help looking into those dark intense eyes. And his touch was so soothing and something else she couldn't describe. And that voice. How could she have forgotten meeting him. She was really stressed and out of it in their first chance encounter. But one thing was for certain he had her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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