A vison and a second chance

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Slender man POV

An other normal day at the mansion full of drama. I go to normal and whistle a tone as I put the book a away. Today was a good day and Jeff finally did something right he got rid of that dam book. From here on just is us and horror death and misery.

"AHHHH I'M GOING TO BLOODY MURDER YOU!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!" Clockwork screams from the bathroom

"YOU PEEPING TOMS!!!!! I'M GOING TO GET YOU" Jane hollors fallow but laughing jacks and smexys laughing and running

I sniff the air a scent of warm and cold blood, dirt , mud and soil, rottenting flesh, worms. I like this smell a lot, it holds so many memeories, and now it's going to stay the same for eoans and eoans to come. With that filthy book gone no longer will I have to worry and no more anger attacks that make me destroy my office; this is good very good.

I'm put the last book in it's place I feel pain rush through me. My breathing weakens and my vision blurrs; I fall on my knees and I my vision goes between being normal and between being blurr. I grab my chest as it's difficult for me to pass air I feel like I'm going to slip unconscious .

My vision blurrs but then it goes back to norm I'm standing in a room I OK now but this room isn't my office. I look around and see a dog sleeping on the bed more of a puppy and holding is a girl. She seems normal , dark long hair, think pink lips , short and thin. My eyes crawl down and what I see shocks me. I see a book with a glowing green gem. The book I send jeff to destroy. Soon my vision blurrs again and I'm back at the office.
After I recover and process everything I saw I brust in anger.

He had one job! One job and he couldn't do it right!!! I Start to throw things around in anger fusteration. I'm killing him this time it's official!!! He is dead.
"JEFFERY GET YOUR ASS I'M HERE NOW!!!" I hear him running up stairs and he slowly opens the door I'm still throwing stuff around he ducks.
"Woaaa chill old man what's up" "Whats up!?!?! Whats up!?!? The book I send you to get rid off, hasn't been rid of!!!"
"What so you mean I got rid of it already,"
"No it hasn't!!!!! I saw it under a girls bed" splendor comes
"Whats all the racket about??? Here??" Splendor asks
"What's wrong is jeffery here hasn't gotten rid of a book I send him to get rid of"
"Hey listen old man I got rid of it far away from here, now some girl found it and so what it's am old book doesn't matter,"
"It does matter when it was a glowing green gem stokw and no you didn't you sosmt destroy it!!!"
"when I mean get rid of.... I mean DESTROY!!!"
"WELL I'M SORRY!!! I'll go do it "
"It's to late someone has picked it up already! You are going go be punished the ultimate punish for disobeying me"
"What!!!" Many voices speak
"Let him explain!!! Please slender!!" Sally stands in front of him
"No Sally I'm sorry rules are rules"
"Please slendy!! Cant you break the rules once just once!! "
"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" Splendor man goes infront of Sally and Jeff "it's an order from your older brother"
"Really? You are going yo save him! He is useless!"
"True he is, and he has no taste in fashion but I'm will tell you the mansion wont been the same with out him" trenderman steps in
"Just one more chance slender man then you an kill him" splender speaks
"Please! You never give me him a second chance! What do you have to lose" I sigh
"Fine but he needs to prove himself he will need to kill her"
"Yay!!!!" They all cheer

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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