Playing detective

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        We finally arrived I was tire I felt like my eyes where closing down on me I couldn't stay a wake much longer. But no need what I found was worth it. After a while of looking around and investigating I see something shinning on the floor its some sort of gem; I go to pick up only to find out its part of something bigger. It's this book it's all locked up and a bunch of design kinda like the ones you find when in a movie or book. Being honest I hope is some sort of book to enter the dragon realm I can make my own little story in my mind so exciting!!!

        "Oh i see you found something what is it?"Charlies voice snapped me out of it

        "Not sure seems to be some sort of book"

        " open it"

        "I don't seem to be able to" I put it away in my bag "I'll try when I get home"

       "Alright let's keep looking"  I nod

       We kept looking around, there where a lot of dead body parts and blood not just old but new to it was truing  chilling sight I felt like I was in a scary movie or game. I had to be quiet just in case anyone was still around. I kept walking and snapping pictures, all this just a gruesome scene it makes me sick makes me sad. I go behind a bush and throw up, I couldn't hold it anymore the; the smell , the view , the lack of color , the fog doesn't help at all so depressing and twisted. This is truly weird i mean how come no one else has stumble against this. Perhaps they have and where killed by whatever or maybe everyone is just to scared to  come here. Whatever it is all i know is Im praying to god i come out of this alive. 

        "Andrea? are you ok" I hear charlie ask

        "yeah, ill be in a bit at least" I smile and stand up " lets keep looking"

        "you know if you feel that bad we can stop and go home"

        " no no i came this far risk my life I'm going to make the trip worth it"

        "heh, alright then just tell me if you feel worse we can go home got it? i can use the energy around to teleport back home"

        "heh thanks I think i just found my way back home"

        "oh yeah that's a way to get back home, see i'm smart"

        "heh, alright suree" I throw up one more time before i clean my self and drink some water going back to what i was doing

        I don't really know what i'm doing anymore just know i need to capture everything because i might need. I think I,m taking more pictures then i should, but its alright its better to have left over in case i miss something. I'm taking two pictures of everything i will but some in a red room and then i will make use the others to look closely and the ones left in the chip i will put them on my  computer. I will do a bunch of stuff to each I am thinking of asking for help yet  i really don't want to get the police involve. They will ask how i got here how i found this place and the only two endings are me going to a mental institution or me going to jail for the rest of my life; no thank you I'm fine . 

        "charlie have you found anything?

        "dead bodies, dead bodies, bloody clothing, more dead bodies crashed cars huh?"

        "what you see something?"

        "wait" in a low whisper he counts "humm" he counts again whatever he is counting, looks like he is up to something and something good "hey Andrea , take your notebook out"

        "why" i do as i told 

        "believe it or now there are more people then cars"

        "no duh"

        "no shit right, no but what i mean is even if there five people in each car there are still more people then cars."

        "maybe you counted wrong?"

        "no no yes i am seven years old but i learned  a lot so no i didn't count wrong, and besides i counted more then once"

        "are you sure you counted ALL the cars, maybe some cars just got destroyed impact"

        "ok some got destroyed on impact wouldn't the bodies also be destroyed "

        "not the bones , bones don't burn" 

        "that's a myth, bones are the last to go but they would burn"

        "when did you turn so smart?"

        " i always known this stuff"

        "why dont you you show this side of you" i ask

        "there is no need to,"

        "wow and you make me deal with your dumbass stuff being so dam smart," he shrugs "i'm so done with you"i write what he told me down I get sleeping again but i try to keep myself away i dig in my bag to see if i have a monster or red bull if not i should have at least a 5 hour energy for emergencies "Hey when are we leaving?"

       "lets go for some more round and  lets start to head back yeah?" 

       "yeah alright " i grab a can and its turns to be a monster as i chug it . this doesn't help much but I don't need much  

         The next round i didn't need much more energy like i thought we looked around. But there isn't much sun light so there really isn't much we can see and I didn't bring a lantern. So soon afterwards charlie used all the paranormal energy to teleport us back home.

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