This chapter has been tweaked slightly. This story is a bit of an experiment, so I hope it turns out well! It will be a mix of video diary entries and normal , dialogue-filled chapters (if that even makes sense). Each chapter will be in a different point of view.
Chapter warnings: Language, implied boyxboy
Oliver: Sunday, January 1st, 8:30pm. Week 1 of video diary.
"Umm... hi. My name is Oliver Quinn. I'm really not sure why I'm doing this, but Liz seemed to think that it would be a good idea to document our... err... odd life. Where to start...
Right. As I said before, my name is Oliver Quinn. I am seventeen years old, and I am, what you would call a Sextuplet. What is a sextuplet, you ask? Well, you know how there are triplets; you know, three children born at the same time? Yeah… well add three to that, and you have six babies born at once - well, not exactly at once but, you get the gist of it - unless you're a complete and utter moron, and I highly suspect that you are-
Right, sorry. I'm supposed to be curbing my sarcastic nature, but it's difficult, you know? With so many idiots in the world, we need people like myself to -
Sorry. Let's carry on.
Um... so I know what you're thinking; my parents should have used some form of protection the night we were conceived, but they didn't, and we came about, and boy, were we a surprise!
Ahahahaha... ha ha... ha.
Err... perhaps I should introduce you to my siblings, yes?
Well, first there is Peter. He was the first to come into the world, and he certainly doesn't let anyone forget it. He is loud, boisterous, and someone would probably punch his lights out if he wasn't built like a fucking wall, and trust me, people have tried and ended up in fucking rehab. Trust me, this is one dude you don't want to mess with – well, I try, but generally end up tied to the ceiling with my underwear over my head while he takes pictures for blackmail – please don't ask how that particular situation happened. It isn't a very pleasant story.
Second, there is Liz, or Elizabeth. She's… well, she's pretty… preppy. She always wears this huge arse smile, always has he hair neatly made and her clothes ironed crisply and – well, if I were to be completely honest, she was practically our mother, when our biological one wasn't home, which was often, but we'll get back to that.
She makes our meals (with the help Lucy, but again, we'll get back to that), does most of the cleaning, sorts out our housework chart and assigns our jobs for the week and so on.
Third is Samantha. She is our little emo – kidding, really (please don't hit me, Sammy. I seriously didn't mean it). She's the stereotypical loner; hates the world, full of angst and writes depressing poetry and stick pins in voodoo dolls – okay, that was a joke… she hates poems.
Again, I'm only kidding. Voodoo dolls creep her out – plus she can't touch sewing pins without breaking out in hives; she's allergic – well, two of us are; Leo can't touch them either.
She is a loner though and sits in her room all the time writing and listening to depressing music. She wasn't always like this, though. It happened after he boyfriend decided to screw Lucy, who honestly had no idea that the guy was dating our sister – or was Sam the one that had no idea he was dating Lucy? I've long forgotten.
Number four is Lucy. She and Liz are the closest in the family. Luce generally gives Liz a hand around the house. There's nothing stereotypical about her, really. She enjoys art, music and dates occasionally – Okay, you've got me. She's one of those 'new age hippies' if you must. She's recently started one of those ridiculous vegan diets and Liz has started incorporating that into our diets, thinking that it's a 'wonderfully healthy idea!' It really, really isn't. But she's big on love and one of those freaky 'ohmahgawd, two guys are fucking, let's take a picture and gush about how adorable it is!' only, in a more level and controlled way.
- oh, and she thinks that Peter is a total tool, but to be perfectly honest, we all think that.
Fifth on the list is – you guessed it, me! What, did you seriously think it was Leo? Puh-lease. I'm not the baby of the family. I'm just ordinary little me. The (forcibly) ousted gay of the family - not that I mind or anything, except for the fact that I can't get a fucking date because my family enjoy scaring them away. Seriously, you'd think they'd scare away Leo's partners, but no. He can 'take care of himself'.
I bet it's because I'm short. Fucking hell.
And then, finally, there's Leo. Little, baby Leo – yes, okay, so maybe he's the baby of the family, but he certainly doesn't act like it. He's the tallest out of all of us – not exactly built like Peter, but pretty darn close. He's… well, he's Pansexual. He'll date anyone with two legs and a pretty smile, whether they wear pants, a skirt or both. He's pretty flexible like that.
I guess I'm probably the closest to him. Then again, he's close to everyone. He's friendly like that, I suppose. He almost beats Liz when it comes to preppiness. Almost.
So, they are my five siblings. They're a little crazy, I suppose but I love them.
Kind of.
Well. (cough). Perhaps I should talk about my mostly absent parents?
My father, Malcolm is a pilot, so he's almost never home. He's always calling us, explaining where he's flown to and how he plans on getting us souvenirs and such. You wouldn't think so, but he does bring home some decent stuff. He usually has every second week free, but spends a lot of it sleeping. Apparently, it is very tiring being a pilot. I wouldn't know; I've never been on the plane with him, like the others – I have a little, tiny phobia of flying and heights and last time he tried to get me to come with him I may or may not have thrown the biggest tantrum in the history of tantrums, and broke my father's nose…
Err… anyway, my mother, Sibyl is a lawyer. She is so fucking scary while working. Seriously, she is one of the top defense lawyers in the state and is so fucking vicious that even the judge is wary of her (between you and me, Peter reckons he purposely has extra guards outside the room in case she decided to punch the prosecutor in the face…. Again. I suspect that's where Peter get's that massive ego from. And his temper, because he does have one, you know, just like Mum).
As mentioned earlier, Mum is rarely home, which is why she's left Liz in charge. Good ol' reliable Liz.
Anyway, it's better her then Peter (I should really stop picking on him; he's bound to stumble upon this video eventually…. Aww man, I am sooo dead).
Anyway, this is my family. It's hectic around home, and despite popular belief, I honestly love these guys. Seriously; not to get sappy or anything, but they are pretty amazing. We all help each other out when needed and, even though we pick on each other, no one else is allowed to do the same.
Family logic, gotta love it.
Oh. Oh shit. I've got to go; I think Peter has found most of his belongings on the roof, and – SHIT! I'M SORRY, PETE! I –"
(End of recording).